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Lew edited this page Nov 21, 2018 · 14 revisions

My prisoners are not working at all.

There could be several reasons behind that.

  • You should ensure that prisoner is motivated enough.
  • Prisoner need to be healthy, have no operations in queue and be fed (hunger above critical). You can override some of these mechanics by putting "Work" time for prisoners.
  • To motivate prisoners you can simply put drafted colonists nearby prisoners. Remember that high number of prisoners can slow down motivation process or even stop it. You can speed up motivation process by putting more colonists in area.
  • Check if prisoner interaction menu is set to "Force to work", or "Chat and recruit".
  • Check if prisoner can get to work station, if there is any closed door (or locked with Locks mod) between prisoner and workplace.
  • Check if prisoner can get to resources that are required to complete the job.
  • Check if prisoner have work enabled in work tab, and if he can do this kind of job.
  • Check if bill is set to "Prisoners only" or "Colony only" (later named "Everyone").
  • Check if prisoners do not have "Joy" or "Sleep" time when they should work. You can assign "Work" time for them so they will ignore some conditions and work despite them.
  • Check if work place is dangerously cold.

My colonists can't do jobs, which prisoners can do.

You're probably put some labor area on your workplaces, which forbids colonists from working there. You do not need any labor area to get prisoners to work. Labor area is for forbidding COLONISTS for working in that area.

Quarry mod doesn't work.

You should enable quarry job type in Prison Labor settings

[B19] Something isn't working, and I get "System.NullReferenceException" error

Note: This do not apply to all errors, but most of them.

In b19 there is a problem with loading mods when some of them causes errors. I don't know why but in this version if some mod will throw an error, all mods loaded after faulty mod will be affected. This will often result in System.NullReferenceException error, corrupted mechanics, and bugged settings window.

To fix that you should disable faulty mod, or move it to the bottom. You can also move Prison Labor to the top (I ensured that Prison labor mod do not mess with others mod, and yes you can do that).

Construction job isn't working

Construction job is disabled for now. Why? It's not always that simple to just "allow" prisoners to work. Sometimes code isn't prepared to be done by non-colonists. In this case building are "hostile" to builders and thats why you can't build with prisoners. Will that be enabled in future? Yes as quick as the bug will be fixed.

Prisoners do not want to put on clothes

To solve that you need to leave pants/t-shirt (other clothes they do not put on) in their cells, and disable labor for them. You can enable labor afterwards. You can also cut off path to work, for example you can lock them inside prison room. They will not put on other clothes than pants/t-shirt, because thats how it works in RimWorld. Why it's working in that way? Prisoners are doing jobs (hauling, eating, sleeping, and putting on clothes) in specific order. Labor is placed in high order, so as long as they can work, they won't think about putting on clothes. This is because it must be in that specific place in thinking order (it is possible to place it in another place, but it is time consuming and I wasn't aware of that back then).

Visitors/Survivors/Others have prisoner chains buff

This is vanilla mechanics, which you didn't noticed because of invisible nature of this feature.

"Prisoners chains" buff (Prison Labor version of this effect) is a modified "chains" effect (original effect), which alter movement penalty and adds manipulation penalty.

Condition on which effect/buff is applied is same as vanilla, because it uses original method (or function, depending on naming convention). Main problem with original chain effect is that, when it is applied to non-prisoners, it's not visible, but still it applies penalty. You can check this, and you'll notice that pawns are in fact moving very slowly, even if there is no "in chains" label.

Maybe in future "Prisoners chains" effect will be hidden from your eyes, but it would still apply, because for some reason it is in unmodified game.