MESA stands for Material, Electron, SQLite, Angular2
This is your go to template for creating Electron apps with a Material UI. Included is a basic demo using angular and electron. It uses ngrx to manage state.
$ npm install
$ npm run build
In one terminal, run the following to build when changes are made to the source:
$ npm run watch
In another terminal, run the following to actually see the electron app:
$ npm run electron
The demo app is a basic notetaking application with persistance. You can type in a note and save it, and it will be loaded back in at the beginning of the next session. It's extremely basic, but it illustrates how to use Angular2, Electron, and SQLite to build a desktop application.
The app has support for packaging using 'electron-packager'
$ npm run package
Will run the package for OSX. You can also provide additional options to the package command such as
- --name : The package name
- --all : Will packaget the application to all the platforms
- --arch : Arches to be provided
- --icon : The icon for the app
This project is based on angular-electron MIT