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Steps to Run

  • Make dotenv file:
    JWT_SECRET=<JWT secret string for encoding>
    URI=<MongoDB signin URI>
    EMAIL=<Credentials for sending out mail>
    EMAIL_PASSWORD=<Credentials for sending out mail>
    NODE_ENV=<production || development>  // Configures stack trace printing and response format for errors
  • npm install
  • npm start

API response format


  • All 2xx responses will be of the format:
        title: <String containing the title corresponding to the HTTP status code>,
        message: <String containing success details>,
  • The destructured object ...fields contains additional fields as required by the specific response and is optional.


  • All 4xx and 5xx responses will be of the format:
        title: <String containing the title corresponding to the HTTP status code>,
        name: <String containing name of the error>,
        message: <String containing error details>,
        stackTrace: <String which contains stack trace of the error>
  • The field stackTrace is defined only if NODE_ENV environment variable is set to development.

API Endpoints


  • For registering new users.
  • Request must be encoded in the body as raw JSON in the following format:
        "name": <String>,
        "email": <String>,
        "phone": <Number>,
        "gender": <String>,
        "college": <String>,
        "city": <String>,
        "dob": <ISO Date>,
        "password": <String>,
        "referralCode": <String> (optional)
  • If a new user is created in the database, the following additional fields are included in the JSON response:
        "_id": <MongoDB ObjectID>,
        "name": <String>,
        "email": <String>,
        "phone": <Number>,
        "gender": <String>,
        "college": <String>,
        "city": <String>,
        "dob": <ISO Date>,,
        "earlySignup": false,
        "accomodation": false,
        "participatedIndividual": [eventId array],
        "participatedGroup": [],
        "purchasedTickets": [7 element Boolean array],
        "groupPurchase": [minUser Object array],
        "createdAt": <ISO Date>,
        "updatedAt": <ISO Date>,
  • If the referralCode is specified and valid, a minUserObject will be added to the referrals array of the corresponding CA
  • Responds with:
    • 400 if the request is malformed / invalid
    • 500 if the user could not be created due to a server error
    • 201 with the user object in response JSON


  • For sending out mail to newly signed up users
  • Request must be encoded in the body as raw JSON in the following format:
        "name": <String>,
        "email": <String>
  • An email will then be sent to the email provided in req body
  • Responds with:
    • 404 if the specified user is not found in the DB
    • 500 if an internal server error occurs when sending the email
    • 200 if the email has been sent successfully


  • For creating new Campus Ambassador accounts
  • Request must be encoded in the body as raw JSON in the following format:
        "name": <String>,
        "email": <String>,
        "phone": <Number>,
        "gender": <String>,
        "college": <String>,
        "city": <String>,
        "dob": <ISO Date>,
        "password": <String>
  • If a new CA is created in the database, the following additional fields are included in the JSON response:
        "name": <String>,
        "email": <String>,
        "phone": <Number>,
        "gender": <String>,
        "college": <String>,
        "city": <String>,
        "dob": <ISO Date>,
        "referralCode": <String>
  • Responds with:
    • 400 if the request is malformed / invalid
    • 500 if the user could not be created due to a server error
    • 201 if the user was created successfully

/loginCa and /loginUser

  • JWT based authentication is used
  • Request must be encoded in the body as raw JSON in the following format:
        "email": <String>,
        "password": <String>
  • If the account is found and password is valid, the MongoDB ObjectID is encoded using a JWT secret (stored as an environment variable).
  • A cookie (named jwt) is then created which stores the encoded ID for the user which have a persistance time of 24 hours
  • The session thus automatically expires after 24 hours
  • Responds with:
    • 403 if the specified user/CA is not found in the DB
    • 202 if the user is logged in successfully


  • The cookie jwt is deleted and thus the user is logged out
  • Responds with a 200


  • If the cookie jwt is set and valid (corresponding ObjectID exists in the CAs collection), a response of the following format is sent:
        "_id": <MongoDB ObjectID>,
        "name": <String>,
        "email": <String>,
        "phone": <Number>,
        "gender": <String>,
        "college": <String>,
        "city": <String>,
        "dob": <ISO Date>,
        "referralCode": <String>,
        "referrals": [minUserSchema]
        "createdAt": <ISO Date>,
        "updatedAt": <ISO Date>
  • referrals is an array whose elements satisfy the minUserSchema. The format of individual elements is depicted below:
        "_id": <MongoDB ObjectID>
        "name": <String>,
        "email": <String>,
        "phone": <Number>,
        "college": <String>
  • Responds with:
    • 403 if the JWT is invalid / absent
    • 404 if the JWT is valid but the corresponding CA does not exist in the DB
    • 500 if an internal server error occurs
    • 200 if the specified CA was found


  • Request must be encoded in the body as raw JSON in the following format:
        "email": <String>,
        "type": <String>
  • The type must be set to user or CA
  • If the query is valid, a new 5 letter password is generated and stored in the DB
  • An email with the new password is then sent to the user/CA
  • Responds with:
    • 400 if the request is malformed / invalid
    • 404 if the specified user is not found in the DB
    • 500 if an internal server error occurs
    • 200 if the password was reset and a mail was successfully sent to the user

Protected (requireAuth) endpoints

  • The following endpoints are protected by the requireAuth middleware and require a valid JWT cookie to be present in the user request:
    • /getCaData
  • The above endpoints respond with:
    • 403 if the JWT is invalid / absent
    • The requested URL if the JWT is present and valid


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