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Chat commands

Asunaya edited this page Mar 17, 2017 · 1 revision

/hello -- Greets. ^__^

/argv [arg1 [arg2 ... [argN]]] -- Echoes all arguments back at you.

/visualfpslimit <fps> -- Sets the visual FPS limit, the number of frames rendered per second (OnRender). If it's zero, the logical FPS limit controls this.

/logicalfpslimit <fps> (AKA /fpslimit) -- Sets the logical FPS limit, the number of frames processed per second in the engine (OnUpdate).

/camfix [0/1] -- Toggles cam fix, which controls whether it's the vertical or the horizontal FOV that remains invariant during aspect ratio changes. Off by default.

/interfacefix [0/1] -- Toggles interface fix, which controls whether the interface is stretched to the entire screen. Off by default. On by default in vanilla 1.5 Gunz.

/backgroundcolor <AARRGGBB> -- Sets the ingame chat background color. Argument is a 32-bit hexadecimal color.

/replayseek <time in seconds> -- Goes to a specific time in the replay currently being viewed.

/spec -- Toggles spectator mode.

/fullscreen <0/1/2> -- Sets the fullscreen mode. 0 is fullscreen, 1 is borderless windowed mode, 2 is bordered windowed mode.

/resolution <width> <height> -- Sets the resolution. Does not validate it.

/sensitivity <value> (AKA /sens) -- Sets the sensitivity. Uses config.xml convention, i.e. fully filled slider = 1, not 10000.

/swordcolor <AARRGGBB> -- Sets the sword color, controlling the trail color and the charging, charged and massive effect colors. 12345678 gives you an alternating rainbow color.

/mute <player name substring> -- Mutes a player's voice chat output.

/debug -- Toggles debug output. (Currently only damage reports under server-based netcode.)

/clear -- Clears ingame chat history.

/fov <degrees> -- Sets the field of view. 70 degrees by default.

/vsync [0/1] -- Toggles vertical synchronization. Off by default.

Developer mode commands

/setparts <RMeshPartsType value> <parts name> -- Sets parts.

/timescale <ratio> -- Sets timescale. 1 is normal time, 2 is double speed, 0.5 is half speed, etc.

/scale <ratio> -- Scales your own player mesh.

/scalenode <RMeshPartsPosInfoType value> <ratio> -- Scales a mesh node. SCALE_RMESHNODE must be defined.

/camdist <distance> -- Sets ZGetCamera()->m_fDist.

/freelook [0/1] -- Toggles freelook.

/showrts [0/1] -- Toggles the displaying of geometry buffer render targets used during deferred rendering.

/map <map name> -- Switches map.

/equip <zitem id> [anything] -- Equips a particular item. If more than one argument is entered, the item is equipped in the second slot, if applicable (for guns and items).

/drawfrustra [0/1] -- Toggles drawing of lines delineating the portal frustra.

/lockfrustra [0/1] -- Toggles locking of the lines, such that they don't update when you move.

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