====================== An app based on the investment philosophy of The Perihelion Group
The Perihelion Group is a stock portfolio selection tool that allows the user to invest the same way I would if I ran a hedge fund. Driven on an investment philosophy emphasizing diversification and dividend yield, I scraped all stocks available for trade on the AMEX, NASDAQ, and NYSE exchanges. The resulting database is conducive to emphasizing dividend yield. Also collected were the GDP break-downs of every country on earth to create of a predictive model that takes into account which sectors of a nation’s economy are most likely to grow (available in v2.0). High dividend yield companies are paired with high-growth countries to allow the investor to ride a wave of success.This is a visualization tool meant to help investors think more strategically about the kind of returns they want from their stock portfolios. Using The Perihelion Group, investors can ask themselves questions like "Are my investments too heavily weighted in a specific sector and/or industry?" and "Is the dividend yield I am expecting aggressive enough to meet my liquid asset needs?" I want to get people thinking differently about their data in a disruptive - yet intuitive - way.
Landing Page: User's TPG Portfolio Visualization #1:
User's TPG Portfolio Visualization #2:
User's Portfolio Detail Modal Window:
- Wrote a circle-nesting algorithm that embeds companies within their respective industries and industries within their respective sectors within the overall economy.
- Created a green-to-white heat map that gives users a quick visual representation of how large individual company's dividend yields are in relation to all other companies in the user's portfolio.
- Integrated front-end styling with Bootstrap.js