The application ldapcli is a command line interface (CLI) application.
(sp)ssl-ping hostname:port_number Do a ssl protocol ping
(lct)ldap-connection-test Do a LDAP connection with known parameters
(lsc)ldap-search-command *|PATTERN Do a LDAP search and out for all ('*') or username
(q)uit: Quit the program.
command options mandatory: Command parameters without brackets are mandatory
command options optional: Command parameters inside brackets are optional
(h)elp: Print this!
- Java 11.x (OpenJDK)
- Apache Maven 3.0.5 or higher
- All properties files should be formatted as utf-8 without BOM (byte order mark)
- Clone the project
- Build the project with maven
- Start application with: java -jar target/ldapcli-x.x.x-XYZ-jar-with-dependencies.jar