- An FPS limiter, disabled by default
- Ability to add and enable/disable event callbacks, including custom events.
- Short-circuiting subsequent callbacks, if a callback or its error handler returns
, e.g. to capture input to UI - Maintains one copy of the module only, preventing errors should multiple libraries include their own copy
- dispatch(event, ...) - A dispatch event, to which all events are sent. Warning: a custom dispatch callback with priority of -5 will run before ALL other callbacks are dispatched from the default dispatch handler, e.g. before mousepressed or update callbacks with priority -20.
- pre_update(dt) - An event that runs before love.update()
- post_update(dt) - An event that runs after love.update()
- postprocess(draw_dt) - A second draw event, called after draw, can be used to draw overlay, profiling info, etc.
- modrun.setup() - Sets modrun up, replacing the original love.run
- modrun.registerEventType(event, fail_if_exists) - Registers a new event, issues a warning, or optionally an error, if the event already exists
- modrun.addCallback(event, callback, priority, self_obj, on_error) - Registers a new callback for an event, optionally includes priority(
functions are 0, negative values will run earlier), an error handler, and an object to be passed as "self"- on_error(err, cb, args) -
is the error,cb
the callback that produced it,args
are arguments passed to the callback - on_error(self_obj, err, cb, args) - as above, but with
passed as theself
argument for thefunction obj:fn(err, args)
- on_error(err, cb, args) -
- modrun.removeCallback(event, callback) - Removes a previously registered callback
- modrun.enableCallback(event, callback) - Enables a callback
- modrun.disableCallback(event, callback) - Disables a callback, preventing it from being processed
- modrun.setFramerateLimit(fps) - Set maximum FPS to the given value. Pass 0 or false to disable the limit. Only applies if vsync is disabled
For detailed documentation of function parameters and additional comments, check source.
-- To start using the library, simply do:
modrun = require "modrun".setup()
-- Example: Handle tweening library updates before love.update is run
modrun.addCallback("update", tween.update, -1)
-- Example: Implement a state handler, and handle all events using it
love.state = {}
modrun.addCallback("dispatch", function(event, ...)
if love.state ~= nil and love.state[event] ~= nil then
return love.state[event](...)
my_game = { update = function() end, keypressed = function() end }
love.state = my_game
-- Example: Add a callback with an error handler
function on_error(err, cb, args) print(debug.traceback(err)) end
modrun.addCallback("mousepressed", function() error("test error") end, nil, nil, on_error)
-- Example: Add a callback for an object, so the object is passed as the `self` argument
my_game = GameState()
function my_game:update(dt) self.do_stuff(dt) end
function my_game:on_error(err, cb, args) self.do_other_stuff(err) end
-- Without error handling
modrun.addCallback("update", GameState.update, nil, GameState)
-- Or with error handling
modrun.addCallback("update", GameState.update, nil, GameState, my_game.on_error)
-- Example: Don't process further callbacks after returning true:
-- Prevent quitting while the game is saving
modrun.addCallback("quit", function() return is_game_saving() end, -99)
-- Don't propagate events if an UI element was clicked
function ui_handler(x, y, button, ...)
if ui_element_clicked(x, y) return true end
modrun.addCallback("mousepressed", ui_handler, -99)
- Run dispatch inbetween hooks, so that dispatch with priority -5 dispatches mouspressed AFTER a mousepressed callback with priority -10, rather than before like now. Maybe as a separate event type to support both behaviors?
- Add table-of-callbacks operation for stuff like e.g.
without having to manually add each. - Add an event that handles uncaught errors in other events(
maybe?) in situations where not crashing the entire game is desired.