Technologies Used: Rust, Actix, PostgreSQL, Sqlx, JWT, Docker, Kafka
git clone
cd payment_system
docker-compose up --build db # run postgress in docker
cargo test # run tests
cargo install sqlx-cli # install sqlx-cli
sqlx database create # create database at DATABASE_URL
sqlx migrate run # apply mirgation
cargo run # run app locally (OR with watch mode: `cargo watch -x run`)
git clone
cd payment_system
docker-compose up --build
Import one of the collections (also contains input examples): Postman Collection (free) or Thunder Client (not free)
Also Checkout: API Documentation
- User APIs
- Transaction APIs
- Balance APIs
- Auth using JWT
- Rate Limiting
- Data validation
- Error handling
- Logging
- Health check
- Dockerization
- async/await
- security middleware
- unit, integration testing
- Postgress notification
- Webhook implementation