- 📡 Researcher: Currently conducting independent research regarding Leveraging Gamification for Antibiotic Awareness, focusing on innovative and efficient design methodologies. Have also previously worked with Dr.Farhan for RTK implementation on an android app.
- 📝 I regularly write articles on https://saaz01.wordpress.com/
- 💡 Interested in Data Communication/Networking, Microchip design and Game design
- 💬 Ask me about Vivado Verilog.
- 📫 How to reach me [email protected]
- 📄 Know about my experiences on Linkedin!
- ⚡ Fun fact Big fan of anime, games and mangas. Have secondary passion for Philosophy as well
FPGA-Based-Rock-Paper-Scissors-Arcade-with-Animated-Doll - Developed on Basys-3, we developed an arcade game where players compete in rock-paper-scissors against a computer. The VGA monitor shows the game status, and the doll mirrors the results with celebratory or sulking animations using servo motors attached to its' arm.
Vision Based Pick & Place Workflow of Phantom X Pincher Arm - Investigation into vision-based pick-and-place system using Phantom X Pincher arm and MATLAB.
Path-Finding Algorithms Visualization - A simple GUI Project for visualizing pathfinding algorithms like Dijkstra's and A*. Users can interactively create obstacles, set start and target points, and observe the algorithms' exploration and shortest path finding, and develop an instinctive understanding on how both these algorithms work.
Platform Gamer - A Game that tried to replicate "Jump King" for self-study, developed using SDL Library on C++