This is an auto-generated client SDK for interfacing with the Aryeo API. We support a variety of languages and frameworks that are a great starting point for experimenting with the API. If there is an additional language or framework that you want to see supported, then please reach out and make a contribution!
To start using the Aryeo API, you will need to generate an API key from your group's developer settings. Then, make sure to provide your API key as a bearer token. Requests made without an API key will result in a 401 Unauthorized
Example: Authorization: Bearer {API_KEY}
Add the following block to Gemfile
gem 'aryeo', :git => ''
require 'time'
require 'aryeo'
Aryeo.configure do |config|
config.access_token = 'API_KEY'
api_instance =
uuid = 'UUID'
result = api_instance.get_listings_id(uuid)
rescue Aryeo::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling ListingsApi->get_listings_id: #{e}"
All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
Aryeo::AppointmentsApi | get_appointments | GET /appointments | List all appointments. |
Aryeo::AppointmentsApi | get_available_dates | GET /scheduling/available-dates | Fetch available days for a user or group |
Aryeo::AppointmentsApi | get_available_timeslots | GET /scheduling/available-timeslots | Fetch available timeslots for a user or group |
Aryeo::AppointmentsApi | get_unconfirmed_appointments | GET /unconfirmed-appointments | List all unconfirmed appointments. |
Aryeo::AppointmentsApi | get_unconfirmed_appointments_id | GET /unconfirmed-appointments/{unconfirmed_appointment_id} | Retrieve an unconfirmed appointment. |
Aryeo::AppointmentsApi | put_appointments_appointment_id_cancel | PUT /appointments/{appointment_id}/cancel | Cancel an appointment. |
Aryeo::AppointmentsApi | put_appointments_appointment_id_reschedule | PUT /appointments/{appointment_id}/reschedule | Reschedule an appointment. |
Aryeo::ListingsApi | get_listings | GET /listings | List all listings. |
Aryeo::ListingsApi | get_listings_id | GET /listings/{listing_id} | Retrieve a listing. |
Aryeo::OrdersApi | get_orders | GET /orders | List all orders. |
Aryeo::OrdersApi | get_orders_id | GET /orders/{order_id} | Retrieve an order. |
Aryeo::OrdersApi | get_products | GET /products | List all products. |
Aryeo::OrdersApi | post_orders | POST /orders | Create an order. |
Aryeo::VendorsApi | get_vendors | GET /vendors | List all vendors. |
Aryeo::VendorsApi | get_vendors_id | GET /vendors/{vendor_id} | Retrieve a vendor. |
- Aryeo::Address
- Aryeo::ApiError403
- Aryeo::ApiError404
- Aryeo::ApiError409
- Aryeo::ApiError500
- Aryeo::ApiFail422
- Aryeo::Appointment
- Aryeo::AppointmentCancelPutPayload
- Aryeo::AppointmentCollection
- Aryeo::AppointmentReschedulePutPayload
- Aryeo::AppointmentResource
- Aryeo::CalendarDay
- Aryeo::CalendarDayCollection
- Aryeo::FloorPlan
- Aryeo::Group
- Aryeo::GroupCollection
- Aryeo::GroupResource
- Aryeo::Image
- Aryeo::InteractiveContent
- Aryeo::Listing
- Aryeo::ListingBuilding
- Aryeo::ListingCollection
- Aryeo::ListingLot
- Aryeo::ListingPrice
- Aryeo::ListingResource
- Aryeo::Order
- Aryeo::OrderCollection
- Aryeo::OrderForm
- Aryeo::OrderItem
- Aryeo::OrderPostPayload
- Aryeo::OrderResource
- Aryeo::PaginationLinks
- Aryeo::PaginationMeta
- Aryeo::Product
- Aryeo::ProductCategory
- Aryeo::ProductCollection
- Aryeo::ProductVariant
- Aryeo::PropertyWebsite
- Aryeo::SocialProfiles
- Aryeo::Timeslot
- Aryeo::TimeslotCollection
- Aryeo::UnconfirmedAppointment
- Aryeo::UnconfirmedAppointmentCollection
- Aryeo::UnconfirmedAppointmentResource
- Aryeo::User
- Aryeo::Video
- Type: Bearer authentication