Update the following buildconfig fields in build.gradle to customize the Repository ID and User ID
- buildConfigField "String", "USER_ID", '"ArunYogeshwaran"'
- buildConfigField "String", "REPO_ID", '"GitHub-Client"'
- Getting the closed pull requests corresponding to a User ID and Repository ID specified in the BuildConfigField in build.gradle shown above
- Shows empty state when there are no closed pull requests
- Shows error state when pull requests couldn't be fetched due to some reason
- Supports pull to refresh to update the list
- Coroutines - Performing asynchronous code with sequential manner.
- Hilt - The DI framework w/ Jetpack integration.
- Flow - Reactive streams.
- Fragment - The UI host.
- Lifecycle - Android's component lifecycle teams up with coroutines.
- View Binding - Providing safe access to view.
- ViewModel - Presenter with its semi data persistence behavior.