class Task { stage : 1-1 reference, characteristics : 1-* reference}
class Stage { machines : 0-* reference}
class Task { characteristics : 1-* reference}
class Characteristics {}
context Task inv SameCharacteristic:
Machine.AllInstances()->select(m | m.characteristics->includesAll(self.characteristics))
context Task inv Precedence:
self.prev.stage =< self.stage
# build
./gradlew build
# run
./gradlew run
This also demonstraits our refactoring around annotations, the original charachteristics constraint being:
context Task inv SameCharacteristic:
self.var(stage).var(machines).forall(m | m.characteristics->includesAll(self.characteristics))
in the refactor, we determine candidates and constraint the variable query `self.var(stage).var(machines) to be among them.