My name is Arnau Mora (he/him), I was born in 2002. I've been passionate and studying programming since I can remember. I've tried almost every language and technology you can think of, and I love to try new things and tech as soon as it's released, but right now I focus on Android Development.
I'm currently very happily working for bitfire web engineering on DAVx⁵, ICSx⁵ and lately a new PUSH standard for CalDAV, CardDAV and WebDAV! You can take a look at this on the draft's repository.
I've studied a Bachelor's degree in CS at the IES Pare Vitòria in Alcoi, and I'm currently studying a Telecommunications degree in the Universitat Politècnica de València.
I'm always looking for new projects to work on, but right now my main project is Escalar Alcoià i Comtat, an app for Android (and soon for iOS as well), that works as a climbing guide for the zones where I live. All the source code for this app is available in GitHub.
I have all my social media accounts in LinkTree, but I'm mostly active over at X, Instagram and Reddit.