This is a set of functions used to visualize 1 to 16 different time series data on one chart.
The diagram is fully scalable and can be freely positioned on the tft screen.

- supports M5Stack and TFT_eSPI() (switch is #useM5STACK)
- compiles under Arduino IDE and PlatformIO
- fully scalable (at runtime you have to change #defines to variables)
- flicker-free scrolling due to the use of sprites (but took up a little more memory)
- the y-axis (time) updates the values automatically (depending on the time format S | M | H | D)
- up to 16 independent channels
- for time series data (only)
- contains a history view (of the size of one graph screen)
- the x-axis is based on interger, only positive values are allowed
- the y-axis is based on float and can be positive and negative
Compile & upload the code into the controller. Watch the tft-screen.
Arduino IDE:
Copy the two files ytGraph.cpp/h into a project folder and the main.cpp.
Also copy version.h and ytG_logo.h into the project folder.
With Arduino IDE you have to rename the 'main.cpp' into 'main.ino'.
The folder name must be identical to the *.ino file, eg. "main".
Compile the demo and load it into the µC. Watch the tft-screen.
There are separate functions for different tasks:
- Draw the y-axis and the frame only once, using standard graphic functions
void ytGraphDrawYaxisFrame(M5Display &d);
- Draw the grid and x-axis only once, using two sprites to make it dynamic
void ytGraphDrawGridXaxis(TFT_eSprite &Graph, TFT_eSprite &xAxis, int16_t &LastXGridLinePos);
- Draw the dynamic grid seamless to the static one and animate the x-axis
void ytGraphDrawDynamicGrid(TFT_eSprite &Graph, TFT_eSprite &xAxis, int16_t oox, int16_t &LastXGridLinePos);
- Draw the values dynamically according to the sample count and sample rate
void ytGraph(TFT_eSprite &Graph, uint16_t x, int16_t y, uint16_t LineColor, int16_t &ox, int16_t &oy);
All settings are done with #defines in the ytGraph.h file
The number of values displayed in the graphic only depends on the number of SAMPLE_COUNT.
E.g. if there are 60 samples, they will be scaled along the x-axis. If there are only 3 samples, these will also be scaled this way.
To get a flicker-free scrolling, 2 independent sprites are used.
#define GRAPH_X_LEFT_POS 40 // (1)
#define GRAPH_Y_BOTTOM_POS 150 // (2)
#define GRAPH_WIDTH 240 // (3)
#define GRAPH_HEIGHT 120 // (4)
#define SPRITE_WIDTH GRAPH_WIDTH + 1 // (3)
#define X_AXIS_WIDTH SPRITE_WIDTH + 50 // (5)
#define X_AXIS_HEIGTH 15 // (6)
#define X_AXIS_LEFT_X GRAPH_X_LEFT_POS - 10 // (8)
#define X_AXIS_UPPER_Y GRAPH_Y_BOTTOM_POS + 4 // (2)
#define GRAPH_Y_AXIS_MIN 0.0 // (11)
#define GRAPH_Y_AXIS_MAX 60.0 // (10)
#define GRAPH_Y_DIV 10 // (9)
//(same procedure at x-axis:)
#define GRAPH_X_AXIS_MIN 0
#define GRAPH_X_DIV 5
// *) The last value of the x-axis is calculated with: samples * rate (e.g. 60 samples * 5 sec = 300 sec)
This work is inspired from Kris Kasprzak:
Thank's to the whole comunnity for sharing their knowledge
This is my first own contributon ever on Github, so please be gracious with me ;-)