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Wanted System

Aaron Static edited this page Dec 26, 2023 · 4 revisions

Your "wanted level" is between 1 and 5. Your current level is indicated in the top right with up to 5 stars.

If your wanted level is 1 or above, you will be considered hostile and the OF will shoot at you.

If you are physically seen (by line of sight, not sound) as a threat you will receive an instant 2 Star wanted level. Your visibility is indicated by an "eye" icon.

You will get 2 stars for the following:

  • Open carrying a weapon of any kind
  • Looting a body
  • Going too close to an OF Base

If you kill anyone while physically seen you will recieve a 3 star wanted level. All nearby units will be notified of your position.

If you are seen in an armed vehicle you will recieve a 4 star wanted level.

When you are no longer seen by OF soldiers or radar (no eye icon is showing), your wanted level will drop by 1 every x seconds (determined by difficulty level) until it reaches 1 star. While at 1 star if you are seen again it will go back to 2 stars (or 4 if you are in an armed vehicle, or 5 if you are in an aircraft). At 1 star you must hide and wait a while longer (time determined by difficulty level)

In low light conditions the range at which you can be "seen" is lower.

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