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ARMAzac edited this page Jul 1, 2024 · 37 revisions

The process for creating your own custom Overthrow missions, porting Overthrow to other maps, or just tweaking your own experience is relatively much simpler than in Overthrow 1.0. You are also free to post your own versions, modifications, compatability patches etc to the Arma Reforger Workshop.

First of all just install "Arma Reforger Tools" from the tools section of your Steam client. You must own the Steam (PC) version of Arma Reforger, it is not possible to create content on Xbox. Make sure the Overthrow mod is also installed into your game and is up to date before continuing.

Questions and guidance

Please use the #reforger-dev channel on discord to ask about customizing Overthrow. Someone there should be able to help you. If your question is about general editing of Arma Reforger or the use of Arma Reforger tools, you may get more response from the ARMA discord:

Copy Overthrow and its dependancies into your workbench folder

Copy the following folders from your My Documents\My Games\ArmaReforger\addons into My Documents\My Games\ArmaReforgerWorkbench\addons:

  • Overthrow_59B657D731E2A11D
  • EnfusionDatabaseFramework_5D6EA74A94173EDF
  • EnfusionPersistenceFramework_5D6EBC81EB1842EF
  • OLDCARSCivilianClothing_5ED8D02E6CBD7D4E

Create a new Workbench Project

  1. Open the Arma Reforger Tools, in the Enfusion Workbench Launcher click on "Create New"
  2. Give the Project a name, location and choose "Overthrow" as a dependancy. Use a name that describes what you want to do in case you want to publish it. ie "Overthrow: Your server name" or "Overthrow: Cheaper guns" etc

Creating a new project

Adapting an existing project

Only do this if you already have a workbench project created. If you created one above you dont need to do this. For an existing project you can add Overthrow as a dependancy

  1. Open Workbench > Settings
  2. Add 59B657D731E2A11D as a dependancy, this is the ID of the Overthrow mod in Reforger
  3. Restart workbench to load the dependancies

Adding Overthrow as a dependancy

Config/Prefab customization

If you want to tweak values, add to the config files or change the prefabs, you can "override" them in your mod

  1. Find the config file or prefab you want to override
  2. Right click it, and choose Override in <your mod>
  3. Make the changes to your override file

When your mod is active, it will use your overridden version. If all you are doing is overriding configs or prefabs, you do not need to create a "sub-world" as below.

Changing soldier loadouts

If you want to equip the spawned soldiers with specific gear (ie from another mod) then you use the above method to override the soldier prefabs and change their loadout. If the mod comes with it's own soldier/group prefabs you can replace the vanilla ones in the faction configs under Configs\Faction

Creating a new faction

If you want to add a whole new faction to Overthrow that can be selected on game start, its a little more complicated.

  1. Create a FactionName.conf config file or copy an existing one, make it the type Faction. If you are adding a faction from a mod this file may already exist, and you can just use that in step 4 instead of creating one
  2. Create a FactionName_OverthrowData.conf config file or copy an existing one, make it the type OVT_Faction. Make sure it has the same "faction key" as the above config
  3. Override the Prefabs/GameMode/OVT_OverthrowFactionManager prefab in Overthrow
  4. Add both your configs to the faction manager, the "Faction" config goes in the factions section, the "OVT_faction" config goes in the "Overthrow Factions" section

For an example of a custom faction you can look at

Creating a sub-world

If what you want to change is not in a config file or prefab, it is probably in the Overthrow mission world. You will need to create your own "world" that inherits an existing official Overthrow world (For porting to other maps see below)

  1. In the Workbench, navigate to Overthrow/Worlds/MP/OVT_Campaign_<Map>.ent and double click it (The default Reforger map is "Eden")
  2. In the world editor that opens, click on File > New World
  3. Choose "Sub-scene (of current world)"
  4. Go File > Save World As
  5. Put the new world into a folder within your project, you should see a folder (ie "MyOverthrow" or whatever you called your project)

You now have your own version of the mission that inherits from Overthrow. If we make any changes to the base world they will be reflected in your version as well. To change the parameters within the world:

  1. In the search field top left, type Overthrow
  2. Under "managers" you will see an OVT_OverthrowGameMode, click on it
  3. On the right hand side you will see a multitude of Components that configure Overthrow

We will go into more detail about how all of these work on the wiki at a later date, but if you have a look around those components you will find everything from prices to loadouts and hundreds of hidden variables. Simply change what you want and if you followed the steps above they will only apply to your mod. Slowly everything is being moved into config files so that you don't need a mission world to change them.

Creating your own mission

If you have created a sub-world, you will need to make your world an option from inside the actual game so you can play it outside of the Workbench. To this you create a mission config:

  1. Click on your mod folder, or create a "Missions" folder if you want to
  2. In the workbench, bottom left, click Create > Config File
  3. Use the name 24_OVT_<Map Name>_<Your mod name>
  4. Choose "SCR_MissionHeader" as the base
  5. At the top, select your world
  6. Enter the other details ie name, add images if you want (see Reforger docs)

You should be able to now see your mission as an option when you open your game and make sure your workbench mod is loaded. If you want to use it on a server or in multiplayer you will need to "Publish" your mod to the Reforger workbench.

Advanced: Script customization

If you want to customize the code in your Overthrow, you will need to "mod" the scripts.

  1. Find the script you want to change
  2. Create the same folder structure within your mod and put a script there with the same name
  3. Use modded class at the top of your script and the same name for the class
  4. Override the methods you need to and alter their functionality

Advanced: Creating a new world from scratch

Third-Party maps

Note: this section is very incomplete. You need to do a lot more to get Overthrow working on a map. If you know your way around Reforger Tools then you can take a look at how the default Overthrow map is configured to try and work it out. This section will be completed later.

If you are a map creator who wants to make Overthrow work with your map, we recommend that you do NOT add Overthrow as a dependancy of your map project. Your map should be released with minimal dependancies and you instead create a separate mod called Overthrow: Your Map Name which sets both your map and Overthrow as dependancies. Release both separately and link to the Overthrow mission in your map's description if you like.

If you just want to make Overthrow work on your favourite third party map, that's also possible.


  1. Load the map world you want to add Overthrow to
  2. Click on File > New World
  3. Choose "Sub-scene (of current world)"
  4. Go File > Save World As
  5. Use the name OVT_Campaign_<Map Name>
  6. Click on the "Resource Browser" tab at bottom of world editor
  7. Navigate to /Overthrow/Prefabs/GameMode
  8. Drag in the OVT_OverthrowGameMode and OVT_FactionManager prefabs
  9. Search the Resource Browser and add the following prefabs from the base Reforger install if they don't already exist on your map:
  • PerceptionManager
  • PreloadManager
  • RadioManager
  • SCR_CameraManager
  • SCR_AIWorld
  • ScriptedChatEntity
  • LoadoutManager_Base


  1. Click on the SCR_CameraManager and set the options down the bottom "Default view position" and "Default view angles" to choose a beautiful camera position to show before the game starts
  2. Click on the LoadoutManager_Base and choose a default player loadout (only the FIA faction is needed, other factions may or may not work) or choose the loadout provided with Overthrow
  3. Change any other settings you want to on OVT_OverthrowGameMode and change the available factions if you need in OVT_FactionManager
  4. Do all the other stuff that isnt documented here yet (sorry)

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