Project that I did due to a Udemy Course that I took. The name of the course "NodeJS - The Complete Guide (MVC, REST APIs, GraphQL, Deno)".
Technologies that we used:
- nodeJS - Backend
- expressJS - Nodejs framework
- ejs - Templating engine
- mongoDB - NoSql database
- mongoose - Object Data Modeling for mongoDB
- SendGrid - Send emails
- bcryptjs - Encrypt and decrypt passwords
- multer - Upload files
- dotenv - Use environment variables
- paypal - As a payment service
- aws simple cloud storage (S3) - For storing the images so they will not disappear when the hosting virtual server reloads
Important features from NodeJS and other used libraries:
- MVC - The model view controller
- Dynamic Routes
- Developing Authentication with usge of Sessions and Cookies
- Checking Validation
- Error Handling
- Img Upload
- Creating Invoices
- Adding Pagination
- Working with Dynamic Content