This demo application belongs to the set of examples for LightningChart JS, data visualization library for JavaScript.
LightningChart JS is entirely GPU accelerated and performance optimized charting library for presenting massive amounts of data. It offers an easy way of creating sophisticated and interactive charts and adding them to your website or web application.
The demo can be used as an example or a seed project. Local execution requires the following steps:
Make sure that relevant version of Node.js is installed
Open the project folder in a terminal:
npm install # fetches dependencies npm start # builds an application and starts the development server
The application is available at http://localhost:8080 in your browser, webpack-dev-server provides hot reload functionality.
Also known as a Line Graph or Line Chart
This example shows the basic usage of a 3D line series. The line series is drawn on a Cartesian coordinate system and represents the relationship between two variables. Line series display information as a series of data points connected by straight line segments. They are most often used to visualize the changes in data or reveal trends in a dataset.
This type of series does not contain the visual representation of 'markers' for the data points but only continuously connected line between all of them. Additionally, it allows drawing lines in any direction.
The chart can be created with few simple lines of code:
// Create a new ChartXY.
const chart3D = lightningChart().Chart3D()
// Add a line series using default X, Y and Z axes.
const series = chart3D.addLineSeries()
The series accepts points in format { x: number, y: number, z:number }
. Any number of points can be added with a single call.
// Single point.
series.add({ x: 50, y: 60, z: 40 })
// Multiple points at once.
{ x: 55, y: 60, z: 60 },
{ x: 60, y: 62, z: 50 },
{ x: 65, y: 65, z: 60 },
If you notice an error in the example code, please open an issue on GitHub repository of the entire example.
Official API documentation can be found on LightningChart website.
If the docs and other materials do not solve your problem as well as implementation help is needed, ask on StackOverflow (tagged lightningchart).
If you think you found a bug in the LightningChart JavaScript library, please contact [email protected].
Direct developer email support can be purchased through a Support Plan or by contacting [email protected].
© LightningChart Ltd 2009-2022. All rights reserved.