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element: app 💻
element: app :computer:
Problem or suggestion is associated with an Archiv8 application
element: community 👪
element: community :family:
Problem is associated with the community
element: doc 📒
element: doc :ledger:
Problem or suggestion is associated with the documentation
element: form 📜
element: form :scroll:
Issue or suggestion is associated with a form
element: license 📜
element: license :scroll:
Problem with attribution or licensing
element: other ❓
element: other :question:
Problem or suggestion is associated with something not covered elsewhere
element: package 🎁
element: package :gift:
Problem or improvement is associated with a package
element: src 🚤
element: src :speedboat:
Problem may be associated with the upstream source code source code
err: dupe ➿
err: dupe :loop:
Issue or pull request already exists
err: info 👂
err: info :ear:
Requested information was not received
err: no fix 😱
err: no fix :scream:
There is no apparent fix
err: review ❌
err: review :x:
Failed to pass code review
err: test ☣️
err: test :biohazard:
Changes failed in required tests
priority: CRITICAL 🕐
priority: CRITICAL :clock1:
Issue needs addressing as soon as possible
priority: LOW 👌
priority: LOW :ok_hand:
Issue has the lowest priority
priority: NORMAL 📆
priority: NORMAL :calendar:
Issue can wait but needs addressing before those marked as LOW
priority: URGENT 💣
priority: URGENT :bomb:
Issue urgently needs addressing. It has the highest priority
status: closed 🚪
status: closed :door:
Issue has been closed
status: new ☎️
status: new :phone:
This is a new issue
status: old 😮‍💨
status: old :face_exhaling:
This issue is old. What should happen next?
status: progressing 👷
status: progressing :construction_worker:
Work is progressing
status: reviewing 👓
status: reviewing :eyeglasses:
Changes are being reviewed
status: stale 👻
status: stale :ghost:
This issue is stale. It has been overtaken by other code changes. What should happen next?
status: testing 💉
status: testing :syringe:
Changes are being tested
status: triaging 🏥
status: triaging :hospital:
Issue is being triaged
status: upstream notified 🚰
status: upstream notified :potable_water:
Upstream has been notified of this issue
type: dependencies 🧭
type: dependencies :compass:
Pull requests that update a dependency file
type: issue 🐛
type: issue :bug:
Something isn't working
type: outdated 🪧
type: outdated :placard:
Package is not in sync with the latest upstream release
type: request 👐
type: request :open_hands:
A request