WordPress theme for the Appsterdam Milan website.
You need to have NodeJS and Bower installed on your computer. Move the folder (or clone the repo) in your WordPress/wp-content/themes/ folder, then open the terminal on the theme folder location and run
bower install
to install frontend libraries managed by Bower.
Grunt is needed only if you want to edit the theme and use the built-in actions, in that case run the command
npm install
to install Grunt plugins used for develop the theme.
Then go on your WordPress site admin area and activate the theme on the Appearance -> Themes screen.
The theme is based on few libraries
- Bootstrap by Twitter
- Font Awesome
- jQuery
On the WordPress side the theme is based on few basic templates and Custom Post Types.
Grunt is used for watch and compile .less and .css files.
Open the terminal on theme folder location and just run the
default command to intialize the actions, there are no others Grunt tasks.
This theme take advantage of some common WordPress theme development features:
- Custom post types (Videos & Talklab)
- (soon) Shortcodes
- Custom login page logo
- Post featured/cover image
The comment/moderation features are delegated to the Disqus platform, so there isn't any implementation of the basic WordPress comment system.