The Evaluation Framework for Network Tariffs (EFf-NeTs) is a framework that rates different alternatives of network tariffs according to the following criteria:
- Efficient grid (= cost-reflection),
- Fairness and customer acceptance,
- Expansion of DER,
- Efficient electricity usage.
It therefore requires certain input parameters, that have to be generated previous to the execution of the framework.
The indicators and logic behind can be found in the publication: A. Heider, J. Huber, Y. Farhat, Y. Hertig and G. Hug, How to choose a suitable network tariff? - Evaluating network tariffs under increasing integration of distributed energy resources, Energy Policy, Vol. 188, 2024, DOI: 10.1016/j.enpol.2024.114050. Please also cite the paper when using this framework. The branch published_version_energy_policy is a stored version of the code and data that was used in the published paper.
You can download the code by performing:
git clone
in your command line. All required packages should usually be already installed in your base environment if you use python regularly.
If you want to apply the framework to your own case study, please adapt the input data and then execute the file Files that need to be updated are:
- inputdata_new.xlsx
- cost_contribution_ur.csv
- pv_cost_reduction.csv
- (optional)
The file cost_contribution_ur.csv can be automatically updated using the script. If additional or different weights should be used, please also adapt the weightings in the file.
If you want to refine the existing indicators or add new indicators, please adapt the file. Feel free to propose changes and get into contact with us. The framework is meant as a basis for discussion and further development and will benefit from your feedback.