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Flutter assignment

Flutter assignment

This assignment is a starting point for to see my level.


Your client has requested you build a new app to showcase popular games from IGDB. He’d like you to create a simple app containing at least two screens: a list of games and a detail screen with more information that can be opened by clicking an item in the list. List of games Each item in the list should at least contain an image and the name of the game. Adding more information is up to you, as long as the UI doesn’t become too cluttered. We’d like a pull to refresh in this view to update the data, and clicking on an item should navigate to the detail view of the clicked game. Being able to see more content as you keep scrolling down, is a bonus. Game detail The detail screen of the game should contain one image as a header, and more information like title, description, rating etc below that. Displaying other information is - of course - not only allowed but also encouraged. Go nuts!


A must-have for the client is to be able to use the app while offline. That means: when the game data has been acquired once, it should be available without having a working network connection later on, also after restarting the app. The client expects you to follow well-known practises of modern Flutter development, and has instructed you to architect the application using the BLoC pattern. They’re making use of the bloc_provider package at the moment, but are also open to make use of the actual bloc package. Although you are free to choose your own packages, at least use the following:

Notes by Daniel Aranda Maestro

Important: Need use the generator database to start with

flutter packages pub run build_runner build

To run unit test

flutter test

To run integration test

flutter test integration_test/app_test.dart


Prueba técnica con Dio, Bloc y Floor






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