IAtaaa Server is web platform to manage artificial intelligence game. The name IAtaaa stands for the IA (Intelligence Artificielle in french) acronym and the Yatta japanese word for "We did it". For now only game is implemented:
- Checkers: It's to possible to game against computer but AI is not yet implemented. Computer play random move.
You can find 2 directories in this repository:
- api: It contains all api (contains README)
- ui: It contains project of IAtaaa user interface (contains README)
List of technologies used in this project:
- Java 9
- Spring Boot 2
- Maven
- Docker
- Docker Compose
- React
- Redux
It is necessary for run IAtaaa in your computer.
- Docker
- Docker Compose
docker-compose up -d
Navigate to
Warning: It's no configured to run in production.
- Anthony GODIN [email protected]