This is actually a program to continuously reminds a programmer to take some break and take water and do some small eyes and physical exercises after a certain amount of time. As a programmer have to sit and work for a long time looking at his computer, it's very important to take some break and take water and do some small exercises for keep himself healthy and fit.
Water (everyone should have to drink 3.5 litres of water everyday) - water.mp3 - a music plays in every 28 mins -for stop the music type - Drank - then save this as log.
Eyes - eyes.mp3 - a music plays in every 35 mins - for stop the music type - Eyedone - then save this as log.
Physical activity - physical.mp3 - a music plays in every 45 mins - for stop the music type - Exdone - then save this as log.
you can also check the previous logs to track your health progress or just run the program.