This is a collection of my regularly used scripts.
Simply clone the repo and add its subdirs to the $PATH
test -d ~/.scripts || git clone ~/.scripts
nvim {.bashrc,.zshrc,.config/fish/}
# add `fd -td -d1 . ~/.scripts 2>/dev/null || find ~/.scripts -type d -maxdepth 1` to $PATH
acpi/ Scripts for handling acpi events from /etc/acpi/
├─ bridn Down the brightness by given value or else 2
├─ briup Up the brightness by given value or else 2
├─ munxt Emits a generic event to move to next song/video using playerctl
├─ muprv Emits a generic event to move to next song/video using playerctl
├─ mute Toggle mute
├─ mutoggle Emits a generic event to move to next song/video using playerctl
├─ slp Puts laptop into s2idle(1h), deep-sleep(2h), and into hibernation if still no activity
├─ voldn Up the vol by given value or else 2
└─ volup Down the vol by given value or else 2
bootstrapping/ Bootstrapping Scripts
├─ crusersv Creates user sv dir in ~/.local/service (preferably symlinking user services from ~/.config/sv)
├─ crxinit Creates xinit desktop entry for starting from a display manager
├─ gen-monitor-dpi Generates correct dpi for the screen, outputs in format of /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d
├─ rpi-repeater Setup raspberry pi as a wifi-repeater (Ext-Dongle: client, Inbuilt: AP)
└─ rpi-void Bootstraps the void's rootfs for the raspberry pi 3
main/ The Main (Actual) scripts for productivity
├─ active-window-pid Finds pid of currently focused window using EWMH
├─ cross-chroot A simple script to automate installation of dependencies and enable cross-chroot environment
├─ extarrange Arranges the files by grouping them into folder of their extension name
├─ git-tree Prints out tree of yadm/git tracked files
├─ notion-export Exports whole notion workspace in $PWD
├─ pwd-launch Finds and appends pwd of currently focused window using EWMH to the given command
├─ reboot-firmware Reboots into BIOS/UEFI firmware setup
├─ rti-download QuickMulti RTI Downloader
└─ styler Styles the text to different styles (like superscript), run with --help to know more
snips/ Snippets that mainly delegates the operation to other applicaitons/scripts in one-line, but used regularly.
├─ color TODO: Extend script as filter, and with string name inputs like 'blue'
├─ dirdiff Shows file only in first dir and not in other, along with options [-c|-s] for content/symmetric difference
├─ git-cloc Counts lines of code in a git repository
├─ installed-packages Shows list of manually installed packages sorted by name (default) or date (-d) of installation
├─ ocr Copies the text from anywhere on the screen to clipboard using tesseract-ocr
├─ perms Prints out permissions of the given files in octal format
├─ rec Records screen using ffmpeg (saves file with name if provided)
├─ recon Reconfigures xbps packages if isn't atm
├─ syncfiles Just copies the absolute path to the ~/.config/yadm/files
├─ vml Launch quickemu vm with fuzzy search
└─ xc Runs xtools/xchroot with some predefined stuffs
Licensed under the MIT License - see the file for more details.
Some scripts are taken from others, they are preserved with links to their original sources (if any).