InetCheck can be used to check the systems internet connectivity. You can also check if your server is still running by supplying the respective host and port.
usage: InetCheck [-h] [--version] [-H] [-p] [-t] [-i] [-lf] [-cc] [-cd] [-bc] [-bd] [-q]
Check and monitor the connectivity to a specified host.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--version show program's version number and exit
-H , --host specify host
-p , --port specify port
-t , --timeout specify connection timeout
-i , --interval delay between connection checks
-lf , --log_file specify log file
-cc , --cmd_connected
shell command which will be executed when the system can establish a connection to the host again
-cd , --cmd_disconnected
shell command which will be executed when the system can not establish a connection to the host anymore
-bc , --beeps_connected
number of beeps the system should make when it can establish a connection to the host again
-bd , --beeps_disconnected
number of beeps the system should make when it can not establish a connection to the host anymore
-q, --quiet use this to not display any output in the terminal
./ --log_file 'Connection.log'
Play beep-sound 3x when reconnected and 5x when disconnected.
./ --log_file 'Connection.log' -bc 3 -bd 5
Check if host can be reached.
./ --log_file 'Connection.log' --host ''