REST API created in ASP.NET Core. Provides ability to perform CRUD operations on customer's data, divided into natural and juridical persons.
- Visual Studio 2022
- .NET SDK 8.0
git clone
cd bankingApplication_API
Run migrations to create new database schema:
dotnet ef migrations add InitialCreate
dotnet ef database update
To build the API run the following command:
dotnet run
The API will be available at https://localhost:5162
- GET /api/Account - Update transaction history with a new domestic transfer.
- GET /api/JuridicalPerson - Retrieve data of all juridical persons.
- POST /api/JuridicalPerson - Create an account as a juridical person.
- GET /api/JuridicalPerson/{id} - Retrieve data of the juridical person with specified ID.
- GET /api/JuridicalPerson/customerNumber/{customerNumber} - Retrieve data of the juridical person with specified customer number.
- GET /api/NaturalPerson - Retrieve data of all natural persons.
- POST /api/NaturalPerson - Create an account as a natural person.
- PATCH /api/NaturalPerson - Update an account with new password, NIP and REGON.
- GET /api/NaturalPerson/{id} - Retrieve data of the natural person with specified ID.
- GET /api/NaturalPerson/customerNumber/{customerNumber} - Retrieve data of the natural person with specified customer number.