I realized that there was no easy way to create a customized Raspberry Pi image. This project was created to make custom images easily without the need for connecting to a real Pi. As well this project makes sure that your images are re-creatable incase you need to make updates and bug fixes in the future.
- 🐋 Cross-Platform Runs on Any machine
- 🖥️ Comes with a emulated Raspberry Pi, anything you can do on a regular Pi you can do here.
- 🤖 Uses Ansible which makes setting up the Pi simple.
These need to be installed to use the program. You can use winget (windows) or apt-get (linux).
- Windows
winget install python3
- Linux
apt-get install python3
- Windows
winget install -e --id Docker.DockerDesktop
- Linux Docker Desktop & Docker Compose
- Clone or download the repository
git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/AndreCox/PIBaker.git
- Move into the PIBaker directory
cd PIBaker
- Run the setup.py script
python setup.py
- Monitor the process with Docker Desktop (Optional)
Look for the stack called pibaker
you can click on the stack and you should see 2 containers inside. You can monitor the Ansible container, when it is done both containers should stop.
- A file called distro.img should appear in the dist folder. This is your final bootable image.
Thank you everyone for staring my project :)
I have had reports that M1 Macs have issues running this software, a work around for now is to run docker inside a Ubuntu VM.