Just a simple machine learning project to create a new playlist on Spotify according to similarity to favorite songs
Remember to create .env
at the root of the project which contains:
Based on
- Clustering Music to Create your Playlists on Spotify Using Python and R
- Spotify: Analyzing and Predicting Songs
- Making Your Own Spotify Discover Weekly Playlist
- Build Your Own Spotify Playlist of Best Playlist Recommendations!
- How to Create Large Music Datasets Using Spotipy
# log in using environment variables / browser?
sr login
# analyse a playlist, show plots, numbers, fancy stuff
sr analyse <source-playlist>
# generate a new playlist with recommendations based on a source playlist
# Analyses the playlist if it hasn't been done
# `--visualize` shows the figures and analytics from `sr analyse`
sr generate <source-playlist> <new-playlist>
# improves a playlist with tracks from `sr generate`
# `--force` bypasses the confirmation
# `--backup=true` creates a backup of the source playlist
sr improve <source-playlist>