Gulp-based build set-up for common needs.
- divide source code from compiled
- separate production task
- modularity
- modern, future-proof technologies
- linting (code style / syntax errors checking)
- browsers live reload
- dependencies through node modules (you can install libraries through NPM and import them in your styles/scripts)
- Normalize.css
- PostCSS: CSSNext
- Sass + autoprefixer
- Sourcemaps
- Production: mqpacker, cssnano
Note You can choose only PostCSS or Sass (default is Sass): just change stylesType
variable and delete unecessary folder (/src/postcss or /src/scss).
- Javascript: ES2015, ES2016
- Webpack 2.x (as module bundler)
- Sourcemaps
- Production: UglifyJS
Code style checking:
- (Styles) Stylelint: standard config + some sensible settings
- (Scripts) ESLint: recommended config + Airbnb config
- sprites generator (spritesmith)
- Production: imagemin
- generates TTF, WOFF, WOFF2 fonts from OTF, TTF
Browsers live reload:
- BrowserSync
PostCSS (postcss/) / Sass (scss/):
- main source file (main.css / main.scss)
- base/:
- vars: variables
- elements: base html elements styles
- objects/: OOCSS
- components/: BEM, Atomic Design
- tools/: mixins
JavaScript (js/):
- main source file (main.js)
- modules/: folder for javascript modules
Images (img/):
- img/ - source images
- img/sprite/ - source images for sprite
Fonts (fonts/) - source fonts
- css/main.css - output css
- js/main.js - output js
- img/ - output images
- img/sprite.png - output sprite
- fonts/ - output fonts
- Node.js - latest v6.x LTS "Boron" is recommended
- (optional) Gulp globally - latest v3.9.x recommended if you want to use gulp commands directly
npm install
/npm run build
- build projectgulp watch
/npm run watch
- watch changesgulp serve
/npm run serve
- local server that watches your changes (Browsersync)gulp prod
/npm run prod
- build production-ready code
Also, you can see subtasks in gulpfile.
- > 0.5%
- last 2 versions
- nvm, Node.js, NPM, Yarn
- Gulp
- CSS: Normalize.css, OOCSS, BEM, Atomic Design, CSS MQPacker, cssnano
- PostCSS: CSSNext
- Sass (SCSS)
- Sourcemaps
- JavaScript: ES2015, ES2016, JavaScript Modules, UglifyJS
- Module Bundling: Webpack
- Linters: Stylelint, ESLint
- Images: spritesmith, imagemin
- BrowserSync
There also exist webpack + npm scripts based build similar to this that is considered as main and has priority above this kit. In the near future, development for gulp starter kit will be stopped and the webpack starter kit will be the only supported build.