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Vakgroep SO Dependabot #23

Vakgroep SO Dependabot

Vakgroep SO Dependabot #23

Workflow file for this run

name: Vakgroep SO Dependabot
# This workflow assumes you have a Makefile in the root of your repository with the target "requirements"
# The workflow will build the docker image with name "Dockerfile" in the root of the repository
schedule: # Run the script on the 1st and 15th of every month
- cron: '0 6 1,15 * *'
workflow_dispatch: # Creates button on Github to trigger the workflow manually
name: Dependabot
uses: amsterdam/github-workflows/.github/workflows/dependabot.yml@v1
secrets: inherit # Inherit secrets from the repository. You need to define "SLACK_TOKEN" in settings -> secrets -> actions!
check_diff: false # Create a list of major upgrades. Requires the Makefile target "diff"
slack_channel: 'opdrachten-dependabot' # Slack channel to post release steps to
timetell_code: 230720 # Timetell project id
acceptance_pipeline: ""
production_pipeline: ""
acceptance_urls: ""
production_urls: ""