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documentation, updates, add bwa and samtools reqs for conda
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jluebeck committed Jun 2, 2023
1 parent 9104a96 commit 5003dea
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Showing 5 changed files with 130 additions and 81 deletions.
159 changes: 83 additions & 76 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -22,60 +22,90 @@ We recommend browsing our [**detailed guide**](
### Option A: Installation-free methods
The most convenient option, however it is not suitable for analysis of large collections of samples or protected health information (PHI), and may not support more advanced command-line options. An excellent option for most users with small numbers of non-PHI samples.

#### 1. GenePattern Web Interface:
AmpliconSuite-pipeline can be run using the web interface at [GenePatter Web Interface]( Simply search the module list for "AmpliconSuite."
#### GenePattern Web Interface:
AmpliconSuite-pipeline can be run using the web interface at [GenePattern Web Interface]( Simply search the module list for "AmpliconSuite."
This module was constructed in collaboration with members of the GenePattern team (Edwin Huang, Ted Liefeld, Michael Reich).

#### 2. AmpliconSuite-pipeline on Nextflow:
#### Nextflow:
AmpliconSuite-pipeline can also be run through Nextflow, using the [nf-core/circdna pipeline]( constructed by [Daniel Schreyer](

### Option B: `conda install ampliconsuite`

### Option C: Singularity & Docker images
### Option B: Install with Conda (coming soon)
conda install -c bioconda -c mosek ampliconsuite
bash --finalize # this will confirm the data repo path and mosek license directory.
**Then proceed to Step 2 of Option C (below) ...**

### Option C: Standalone installation using the installer script
Can be used on most modern Unix systems (e.g. Ubuntu 18.04+, CentOS 7+, macOS). Requires `python3`.
1. Pull source code and run install script (Can skip if installed via Conda):
git clone
cd AmpliconSuite-pipeline
# consider first doing ./install -h to see options.
# the script will install AmpliconArchitect, AmpliconClassifier and all dependencies.
./ # note that by default this places the data repo directory in your $HOME.

2. Populate the AA data repo with required annotations for the reference builds of interest. **Start here if you installed via Conda**.
- See the list of available AA annotations [here]( Copy the URL of the one you need.
# go to
# copy the url of the data repo you need.
# "_indexed" indicates the bwa index is included - only useful if starting from .fastqs.
wget [url of reference_build]
tar -xzf [reference_build].tar.gz
rm [reference_build.tar.gz]

3. Lastly, obtain the Mosek optimization tool license (free for academic use) and place it in `$HOME/mosek/`. AA will not work without it.

### Option D: Singularity & Docker images
Containerized versions of AmpliconSuite-pipeline are available for Singularity and Docker.

A dockerized version of AmpliconSuite-pipeline is [available on dockerhub]( or can be built using the Dockerfile in the `docker/` folder. It will install bwa, CNVkit and AmpliconArchitect inside the docker image. Running this docker image can be done as follows:

1. Obtain the AmpliconSuite-pipeline image from the options below:
- **Singularity**:
* Singularity installation:
* Must have Singularity version 3.6 or higher.
* Pull the singularity image: `singularity pull library://jluebeck/ampliconsuite-pipeline/ampliconsuite-pipeline`

1. Install the container
- Option A) Singularity:
* Singularity installation:
* Must have Singularity version 3.6 or higher.
* Pull the singularity image: `singularity pull library://jluebeck/ampliconsuite-pipeline/ampliconsuite-pipeline`
- **Docker**:
* Docker installation:
* Pull the docker image: `docker pull jluebeck/prepareaa`

- Option B) Docker:
* Docker installation:
* Pull the docker image: `docker pull jluebeck/prepareaa`

* (Optional): Add user to the docker group (log out and in after performing):
`sudo usermod -a -G docker $USER`
* (Optional): Add user to the docker group:
`sudo usermod -a -G docker $USER` (log out and back in after performing)

2. License for Mosek optimization tool:
* Obtain license file `mosek.lic` (`` or ``). The license is free for academic use:
* `mkdir $HOME/mosek`
* After registering for a Mosek license, download license file `mosek.lic` and place it in the directory `$HOME/mosek/`.
* If you are not able to place the license in `$HOME/mosek` you can set a custom location by exporting the bash variable `MOSEKLM_LICENSE_FILE=/custom/path/`.
2. Obtain the execution script and configure the data repo location
git clone
cd AmpliconSuite-pipeline
# Can use ./ -h to see help before installing
./ --finalize

3. License for Mosek optimization tool:
* Obtain license file `mosek.lic` (``). The license is free for academic use.
* Place the file in `$HOME/mosek/` (i.e, the `mosek/` folder that now exists in your home directory).
* If you are not able to place the license in the default location, you can set a custom location by exporting the bash variable `MOSEKLM_LICENSE_FILE=/custom/path/`.

3. Download AA data repositories and set environment variable AA_DATA_REPO:
1. Go [here]( to locate data repo(s) of your choice and make note of the URL you want.
2. `wget`and set a bash environment variable AA_DATA_REPO to point to the data_repo directory:
mkdir data_repo && cd data_repo
wget [url of reference_build]
tar zxf [reference_build].tar.gz
# command below exports a bash variable which is the parent directory of the individual data repos
echo export AA_DATA_REPO=$PWD/ >> ~/.bashrc
touch coverage.stats && chmod a+rw coverage.stats
source ~/.bashrc
#### Obtain AmpliconSuite-pipeline image and execution script:
1. Clone GitHub repository to access the runscript
* `git clone`

2. Invoke the runscript to launch the container. These scripts use most of the same arguments are the main driver script ``
4. Download AA data repositories and set environment variable AA_DATA_REPO:
- Go [here]( to locate data repo(s) of your choice and make note of the URL you want.
wget [url of reference_build]
tar zxf [reference_build].tar.gz
rm [reference_build].tar.gz
- If you do not do this process the container will attempt to download the files itself.

#### Launching the execution script for the container:

These scripts use most of the same arguments are the main driver script ``
- Option A) Singularity: `AmpliconSuite-pipeline/singularity/`
- Option B) Docker: `AmpliconSuite-pipeline/docker/`.
* You can opt to run the docker image as your current user (instead of root) by setting `--run_as_user`.
Expand All @@ -85,55 +115,32 @@ An example command might look like:

`AmpliconSuite-pipeline/singularity/ -o /path/to/output_dir -s name_of_run -t 8 --bam bamfile.bam --run_AA --run_AC`

### Option D: Standalone installation
1. Clone the AmpliconSuite-pipeline git rep:

`git clone`

2. Install other prerequisites from the section below.

## Prerequisites for standalone installation:
AmpliconSuite-pipeline supports both `python2` and `python3`, however CNVkit requires `python3`. `Python3` support for AmpliconArchitect was added in version 1.3.

Unless you are using a containerized version, and depending on what input data you are starting from, AmpliconSuite-pipeline may require the following tools to be installed beforehand:
- (required) The [jluebeck/AmpliconArchictect fork]( must be installed.
- (required) The latest AmpliconArchitect [data repo](
- versions of the data repos containing bwa index files are also provided [here]( Indexed version recommended if starting from unaligned fastq reads.
- (recommended) [AmpliconClassifier]( to generate classifications of AmpliconArchitect outputs.
- (recommended) [CNVkit]( to generate CNV calls for focal amplification seed region identification.
- (optional) [bwa mem]( (unless supplying your own BAM file)
- (optional) [samtools]( (unless you already have a coordinate-sorted and indexed BAM file).
- Scripts packaged with AmpliconSuite-pipeline require the `numpy`, `matplotlib` and `intervaltree` python packages. Those packages can be installed with `pip`, `conda` or similar.

AmpliconSuite-pipeline assumes both `samtools` and `bwa` executables are on the system path and can be directly invoked from bash without pathing to the executables. AmpliconSuite-pipeline will generate a BWA index for the reference genome if one is not yet in place. This adds >1hr to running time for the first use only when alignment is performed. Data repos with BWA index pre-generated are available [here]( AmpliconSuite-pipeline will also function on coordinate-sorted CRAM files, [provided that the CRAM reference is in place](,genome%20used%20to%20generate%20it.).

AmpliconSuite-pipeline has been tested with Ubuntu (16.04 and above) and CentOS 7. AmpliconSuite-pipeline's optional dependencies related to CNV calling will not work on CentOS 6.
### Option E: Standalone installation without automated installation
Try this if you are going to use `python2`. See the documentation folder for instructions.

**Note on using CNVkit**: We currently recommend using CNVkit for identification of AA seeds. CNVkit requires
`python3`. It also requires `R` version >= 3.5, which is non-standard on Ubuntu 16.04/14.04.

## Usage
The main driver script for the standalone pipeline is called ``.
## Running AmpliconSuite-pipeline
The main driver script for the standalone pipeline is called ``.

#### Example 1: Starting from .fastq files, using CNVkit for seed generation.

>`/path/to/AmpliconSuite-pipeline/ -s sample_name -t number_of_threads --cnvkit_dir /path/to/ --fastqs sample_r1.fq.gz sample_r2.fq.gz --ref hg38 [--run_AA] [--run_AC]`
>` -s sample_name -t number_of_threads --cnvkit_dir /path/to/ --fastqs sample_r1.fq.gz sample_r2.fq.gz --ref hg38 [--run_AA] [--run_AC]`

`--run_AA` will invoke AmpliconArchitect directly at the end of the data preparation.
`--run_AC` will invoke AmpliconClassifier on the AmpliconArchitect outputs.

#### Example 2: Starting from .bam, using CNVkit for seed generation

>`/path/to/AmpliconSuite-pipeline/ -s sample_name -t n_threads [--cnvkit_dir /path/to/] --bam sample.bam [--run_AA] [--run_AC]`
>` -s sample_name -t n_threads [--cnvkit_dir /path/to/] --bam sample.bam [--run_AA] [--run_AC]`

`--cnvkit_dir` is only needed if is not on the system path (typically if it was a custom install).

#### Example 3: Starting from .bam and your own whole-genome CNV calls, or an existing AA_CNV_SEEDS.bed
* If using your own CNV calls:

>`/path/to/AmpliconSuite-pipeline/ -s sample_name -t number_of_threads --cnv_bed your_cnvs.bed --bam sample.bam [--run_AA] [--run_AC]`
>` -s sample_name -t number_of_threads --cnv_bed your_cnvs.bed --bam sample.bam [--run_AA] [--run_AC]`

Where the CNV bed file reports the following four fields:

Expand All @@ -154,13 +161,13 @@ Please see the `` [example below](#--grouped-analysis-of-relat
Note that users must start with fastq files and `--ref GRCh38_viral` or a bam file aligned to the `AA_DATA_REPO/GRCh38_viral` reference.

>`/path/to/AmpliconSuite-pipeline/ -s sample_name -t n_threads --fastqs sample_r1.fq.gz sample_r2.fq.gz --ref GRCh38_viral --cnsize_min 10000 [--run_AA] [--run_AC]`
>` -s sample_name -t n_threads --fastqs sample_r1.fq.gz sample_r2.fq.gz --ref GRCh38_viral --cnsize_min 10000 [--run_AA] [--run_AC]`

#### Example 6: Starting from completed AA results
If the user has one or more AA results directories inside a directory, the user can use AmpliconSuite-pipeline to call AmpliconClassifier with default settings.

>`/path/to/AmpliconSuite-pipeline/ -s project_name --completed_AA_runs /path/to/location_of_all_AA_results/ --completed_run_metadata run_metadata_file.json -t 1 --ref hg38`
>` -s project_name --completed_AA_runs /path/to/location_of_all_AA_results/ --completed_run_metadata run_metadata_file.json -t 1 --ref hg38`

Note that when this mode is used all AA results must have been generated with respect to the same reference genome version.

Expand Down
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion conda-recipe/meta.yaml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,10 +14,10 @@ requirements:
- python
- setuptools
- pip

- python
- bwa
- cnvkit
- Flask
- future>=0.18.3
Expand All @@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ requirements:
- mosek
- numpy>=1.22.4
- pysam
- samtools
- scipy>=1.7.3

Expand Down
27 changes: 27 additions & 0 deletions documentation/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
## Performing a standalone custom install from each individual module.

1. Clone the AmpliconSuite-pipeline git rep:

`git clone`

2. Individually install other prerequisites from the section below following the install instrucitons on each.

## Prerequisites for standalone installation:
AmpliconSuite-pipeline supports both `python2` and `python3`, however CNVkit requires `python3`. `Python3` support for AmpliconArchitect was added in version 1.3.

Unless you are using a containerized version, and depending on what input data you are starting from, AmpliconSuite-pipeline may require the following tools to be installed beforehand:
- (required) The [jluebeck/AmpliconArchictect fork]( must be installed.
- (required) The latest AmpliconArchitect [data repo](
- versions of the data repos containing bwa index files are also provided [here]( Indexed version recommended if starting from unaligned fastq reads.
- (recommended) [AmpliconClassifier]( to generate classifications of AmpliconArchitect outputs.
- (recommended) [CNVkit]( to generate CNV calls for focal amplification seed region identification.
- (optional) [bwa mem]( (unless supplying your own BAM file)
- (optional) [samtools]( (unless you already have a coordinate-sorted and indexed BAM file).
- Scripts packaged with AmpliconSuite-pipeline require the `numpy`, `matplotlib` and `intervaltree` python packages. Those packages can be installed with `pip`, `conda` or similar.

AmpliconSuite-pipeline assumes both `samtools` and `bwa` executables are on the system path and can be directly invoked from bash without pathing to the executables. AmpliconSuite-pipeline will generate a BWA index for the reference genome if one is not yet in place. This adds >1hr to running time for the first use only when alignment is performed. Data repos with BWA index pre-generated are available [here]( AmpliconSuite-pipeline will also function on coordinate-sorted CRAM files, [provided that the CRAM reference is in place](,genome%20used%20to%20generate%20it.).

AmpliconSuite-pipeline has been tested with Ubuntu (16.04 and above) and CentOS 7. AmpliconSuite-pipeline's optional dependencies related to CNV calling will not work on CentOS 6.

**Note on using CNVkit**: We currently recommend using CNVkit for identification of AA seeds. CNVkit requires
`python3`. It also requires `R` version >= 3.5, which is non-standard on Ubuntu 16.04/14.04.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion → documentation/
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Expand Up @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ You may also want to install the additional programs for classifying outputs ([A

### Preparing the inputs
![AA workflow](./images/AA_example.png)
![AA workflow](../images/AA_example.png)

AA takes as input a WGS BAM file (paired-end WGS), and a user-created BED file of seed regions as inputs. Here we will discuss some of
the best practices for generating these files.
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20 changes: 17 additions & 3 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ data_repo_loc=$HOME
function show_help {
echo "Usage: [--finalize_only] --data_repo_loc <data_repo_loc>"
echo "Options:"
echo " --finalize_only Enable finalize only"
echo " --data_repo_loc <path> Set data repository location (required)"
echo " --finalize_only Do not install AA or AC. Only finalize data repo and mosek license location"
echo " --data_repo_loc <path> Custom set data repository location (defaults to creating a directory in \$HOME}"

# Parse command line options
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -41,6 +41,20 @@ while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do

if ! command -v samtools &> /dev/null; then
echo "error! samtools is not installed or not on the system path!"
exit 1
echo "samtools is installed and on the system path"

if ! command -v bwa &> /dev/null; then
echo "error! bwa is not installed or not on the system path!"
exit 1
echo "bwa is installed and on the system path"

# install the src code and set bash vars if needed
if ! ${finalize_only}; then
# pull source code for AA
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -92,7 +106,7 @@ if [ -z "$AA_DATA_REPO" ]; then
export AA_DATA_REPO=${data_repo_path}

echo "AA_DATA_REPO variable already set to ${AA_DATA_REPO}"
echo "AA_DATA_REPO variable already set to ${AA_DATA_REPO}. To change this remove AA_DATA_REPO from your ~/.bashrc file and run the installer again!" >&2


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