Welcome to my projects repository! Here, you'll find a diverse collection of projects spanning various programming languages and domains. From Python scripts to Java applications, from AIML chatbots to web development projects, this repository is a reflection of my exploration and experimentation in the world of programming.
Explore projects in different languages and domains, including:
(Project names to be added)
(Project names to be added)
- Etch-a-Sketch
- Ninja Game
- Ping Pong
- Snake
- Turtle Race
- arithmetic_formatter.py
- bmi_calculator.py
- budget_app.py
- case_converter.py
- cipher.py
- expense_tracker.py
- luhn_algorithm.py
- password_generator.py
- rock_paper_scissor.py
- shortest_path_algorithm.py
- sudoku_solver.py
- time_calculator.py
- tip_calculator.py
- treasure_island.py
(Project names to be added)
- AI-Chatbot
- CIFAR-10-Classification
- Disease-Prediction
- Handwritten-Digit-Classification
- Image-Caption-Generator
- Image-Style-Transfer
- LLM-from-Scratch
- Lunar-Surface-Feature-Segmentation
- Malaria-Prediction
- Movie-Recommender-System
- Object-Detection
- PDF2Audio
- Second-Hand-Cars-Price-Prediction
- Snake-Game-Reinforcement-Learning
- SONAR-Rock-vs-Mine
- Stock-Prediction
- Tweet-Sentiment-Analysis
(Project names to be added)
Feel free to dive into each folder to discover the code, documentation, and any additional resources provided for each project.
I'm a passionate developer with a love for solving problems and creating innovative solutions. This repository showcases my dedication to learning and my journey of exploration across different programming languages and domains.
Have questions, feedback, or ideas to share? Let's connect! You can find me on LinkedIn. I'm always eager to discuss projects, exchange ideas, and collaborate with like-minded individuals.
Are you interested in collaborating on projects or have exciting ideas to explore together? I'm open to collaboration and always looking for opportunities to work with fellow developers, designers, and enthusiasts. Let's join forces and bring our ideas to life!
Happy coding! 🚀✨