A framework to generate reactive behaviours, motivated from Subsumption architecture from 1980s. In our archihtecture each behaviour is represented as a separate module (Deep network), having direct access to processed sensory information. Each module has an individual specific goal. We use a trivial form of imitation learning, called Behaviour cloning, to train these distinct behaviour layers.
The primary goal of picking the object is subdivided into simpler subtasks. For each subtask, there are reactive networks which are trained specially for movement in x, y and z. First, the state vector (in the form of coordinates of objects) is given as an input to the Feature extraction layer. The extracted features are relayed on to the reactive layers deciding the movement of the end-effector. To simplify terminology, we use the following corresponding letters for denoting the subordinate actions: Approach (a), manipulate (b) and retract (c).
- Python3.5+
- PyTorch 0.4.0
- OpenAI Gym ==0.10.8
- mujoco physics engine Here, we use the OpenAI simulator FetchPickandPlace which provides kinematic state vector as an input to our network. For installing OpenAI fetch simulator: Refer to Fetch
git clone https://github.com/Ameyapores/Reactive-Reinforcement-learning
cd Reactive-Reinforcement-learning
cd approach
python main.py
After 2000 episodes of training, stop. Create a folder where the weights would be saved
For manipulate, we consider four degrees of freedom: x, y, z and rotation. Transfer the saved weights from the approach folder to the folder where manipulate weights would be saved.
cd manipulate
python main.py
After 1000 episodes of training, stop.
Transfer the saved weights from the manipulate folder to the folder where retarct weights would be saved.
cd retract
python main.py
After 2000 episodes of training, stop.
Transfer the saved weights from the retract folder to the folder where LSTM weights would be saved.
python main3.py
After 3000 episodes of training, stop.
Comparison of end-to-end learning vs proposed reactive Reinforcement architecture.