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The Ambire AdEx Validator Stack implemented in Rust: sentry, validator worker, adapter, adview manager


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Ambire AdEx Validator Stack CI


Local & Testing setup


  • Rust
    • We target the stable version of the Rust compiler.
    • cargo-make
  • Docker & Docker-compose


  • build-essentials is required to build the project (error: linker ``cc`` not found)
  • The crate openssl-sys requires libssl-dev and pkg-config for Ubuntu.


Sentry is the REST API that the Validator worker uses for storing and retrieving information.

Two services are needed to run Sentry: Postgres and Redis.

The easiest way to run these services locally is by using the provided docker-compose file:

docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up -d adex-redis adex-postgres

If you want to run them manually without docker-compose:

Running Postgres

docker run --rm --name adex-validator-postgres -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres -d -p 5432:5432 -v $HOME/docker/volumes/postgres:/var/lib/postgresql/data postgres

  • $HOME/docker/volumes/postgres - your local storage for postgres (persist the data when we remove the container)
  • POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres - the password of the default postgres user

NOTE: Additionally you must setup 2 databases - sentry_leader & sentry_follower in order for the provided examples below to work. Postgres comes with an environment variable POSTGRES_DB that you can use to change the default postgres database, but there is currently no way to create multiple using the official postgres image.

Running Redis

docker run --rm -p 6379:6379 --name adex-validator-redis -d redis

Running Sentry Rest API

For a full list of all available CLI options on Sentry run --help:

cargo run -p sentry -- --help

Starting the Sentry API in will always run migrations, this will make sure the database is always up to date with the latest migrations, before starting and exposing the web server.

By default, we use the development environment ( ENV environment variable ) as it will also seed the database (seeding is disabled, see #514).

To enable TLS for the sentry server you need to pass both --privateKeys and --certificates cli options (paths to .pem files) otherwise the cli will exit with an error.

For full list of available addresses see primitives/src/

Using the Ethereum adapter

The password for the keystore file can be set using the KEYSTORE_PWD environment variable. These examples use the Leader and Follower addresses for testing locally with ganache and the production configuration of the validator.

Leader (0x80690751969B234697e9059e04ed72195c3507fa)

Sentry API will be accessible at localhost:8005

IP_ADDR= SEED_DB=true REDIS_URL="redis://" \
POSTGRES_DB="sentry_leader" PORT=8005 KEYSTORE_PWD=ganache0 \
cargo run -p sentry -- \
    --adapter ethereum \
    --keystoreFile ./adapter/tests/resources/0x80690751969B234697e9059e04ed72195c3507fa_keystore.json \
Follower (0xf3f583AEC5f7C030722Fe992A5688557e1B86ef7)

Sentry API will be accessible at localhost:8006

IP_ADDR= SEED_DB=true REDIS_URL="redis://" \
POSTGRES_DB="sentry_follower" PORT=8006 KEYSTORE_PWD=ganache1 cargo run -p sentry -- \
    --adapter ethereum \
    --keystoreFile ./adapter/tests/resources/0xf3f583AEC5f7C030722Fe992A5688557e1B86ef7_keystore.json \

Using the Dummy adapter

Using the dummy adapter you get access to additional route for adding deposits to the dummy adapter. The authenticated address is used to set the deposit in the adapter for the given Chain id.

POST /v5/channel/dummy-deposit (auth required)

Request body (JSON):

    "channel": { "leader": "0x000..", ...},
    "deposit": { "total": "10000000" }

Dummy identities:

Leader (0x80690751969B234697e9059e04ed72195c3507fa)
IP_ADDR= SEED_DB=true REDIS_URL="redis://" \
POSTGRES_DB="sentry_leader" PORT=8005 cargo run -p sentry -- \
    --adapter dummy \
    --dummyIdentity 0x80690751969B234697e9059e04ed72195c3507fa \
Follower (0xf3f583AEC5f7C030722Fe992A5688557e1B86ef7)
IP_ADDR= SEED_DB=true REDIS_URL="redis://" \
POSTGRES_DB="sentry_follower" PORT=8006 cargo run -p sentry -- \
    --adapter dummy \
    --dummyIdentity 0xf3f583AEC5f7C030722Fe992A5688557e1B86ef7 \

Environment variables

  • ENV - production or development; default: development - passing this env. variable will use the default configuration paths - docs/config/ganache.toml (for development) or docs/config/prod.toml (for production). Otherwise you can pass your own configuration file path to the binary (check cargo run -p sentry --help for more information). In development it will make sure Sentry to seed the database (seeding is disabled, see #514).
  • PORT - default: 8005 - The local port that Sentry API will be accessible at
  • IP_ADDR - default: - the IP address that the API should be listening to
  • SEED_DB - default: false - Flag telling us whether we should seed the database, it can only be turned on for development
  • KEYSTORE_PWD - Password for the Keystore file, only available when using Ethereum adapter (--adapter ethereum)
  • REDIS_URL - default: redis://
  • POSTGRES_HOST - default: localhost
  • POSTGRES_USER - default: postgres
  • POSTGRES_PASSWORD - default: postgres
  • POSTGRES_DB - default: user name - Database name in Postgres to be used for this instance
  • POSTGRES_PORT - default: 5432

Validator worker

For a full list of all available CLI options on the Validator worker run --help:

cargo run -p validator_worker -- --help

Using the Ethereum adapter

The password for the Keystore file can be set using the environment variable KEYSTORE_PWD.

Validator Leader (0x80690751969B234697e9059e04ed72195c3507fa)

Assuming you have Sentry API running for the Leader on port 8005:

KEYSTORE_PWD=ganache0 cargo run -p validator_worker -- \
    --adapter ethereum \
    --keystoreFile ./adapter/tests/resources/0x80690751969B234697e9059e04ed72195c3507fa_keystore.json \
    --sentryUrl \
Validator Follower

Assuming you have Sentry API running for the Follower on port 8006:

KEYSTORE_PWD=ganache1 cargo run -p validator_worker -- \
    --adapter ethereum \
    --keystoreFile ./adapter/tests/resources/0xf3f583AEC5f7C030722Fe992A5688557e1B86ef7_keystore.json \
    --sentryUrl \

Using the Dummy adapter

Validator Leader (0x80690751969B234697e9059e04ed72195c3507fa)

Assuming you have Sentry API running for the Leader on port 8005:

cargo run -p validator_worker -- \
    --adapter dummy \
    --dummyIdentity 0x80690751969B234697e9059e04ed72195c3507fa \
    --sentryUrl \
Follower: 0xf3f583AEC5f7C030722Fe992A5688557e1B86ef7

Assuming you have Sentry API running for the Follower on port 8006:

cargo run -p validator_worker -- \
    --adapter dummy \
    --dummyIdentity 0xf3f583AEC5f7C030722Fe992A5688557e1B86ef7 \
    --sentryUrl \

Environment variables

  • ENV - production or development; default: development - passing this env. variable will use the default configuration paths - docs/config/ganache.toml (for development) or docs/config/prod.toml (for production). Otherwise you can pass your own configuration file path to the binary (check cargo run -p sentry --help for more information).
  • KEYSTORE_PWD - Password for the Keystore file, only available when using Ethereum Adapter (--adapter ethereum)

Development environment

We use cargo-make for running automated checks (tests, builds, formatting, code linting, etc.) and building the project locally as well as on our Continuous Integration (CI).

For a complete list of out-of-the-box commands you can check out the Predefined Makefiles while locally defined commands can be found in the Makefiles.toml in each crate directory.

Local development

It's enough to ensure that the default development command is executing successfully:

cargo make

It will format your code using rustfmt and will perform clippy checks (it will fail on warnings). Thanks to cargo it will run all the tests (doc tests, unit tests, integration tests, etc.).

Using the provided docker-compose.yml setup cargo-make will run all the required services for the specific crate/application before executing the tests.


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The Ambire AdEx Validator Stack implemented in Rust: sentry, validator worker, adapter, adview manager







Contributors 3

