Update (first/last/user) name of Telegram user every 30 seconds.
ex: 9:20 will be IV:XX
Apply for Telegram API:https://my.telegram.org/。Complete registration with"App title" and "Short name". You got "api_id" and "api_hash".
git clone https://github.com/Alumnae/Telegram-Name-Updating-RL.git
cd Telegram-Name-Updating-RL
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
python3 tg_username_update-RL.py
Enter the API_ID and API_HASH as prompted. Then, input your phone number and verification code. If two-factor authentication is enabled on the account, follow the prompts to enter the two-factor authentication password. Finally, if you see “It works!”, it indicates success. By default, the lastname is updated to a specific pattern every 30 seconds based on a certain probability.