Microservice that performs asynchronous malware scanning of files uploaded to Altinn 3. Documentation for setting up filescan in an app: https://docs.altinn.studio/app/development/configuration/filescan/
These instructions will get you a copy of the filescan component up and running on your machine for development and testing purposes.
- .NET 9.0 SDK
- Newest Git
- A code editor - we like Visual Studio Code
- Install Azure Functions extension. You can also install the Azure Tools extension pack, which is recommended for working with Azure resources.
- Also install recommended extensions (e.g. C#)
- Podman or another container tool such as Docker Desktop
- Install Azurite
- Install Azure Functions Core Tool
- Follow the readme to run Muescheli locally
Clone Altinn FileScan repo and navigate to the folder.
git clone https://github.com/Altinn/altinn-file-scan
cd altinn-file-scan
Start Altinn FileScan application
cd src/Altinn.FileScan
dotnet run
The filescan solution is now available locally at http://localhost:5200/. To access swagger use http://localhost:5200/filescan/swagger.
Start Altinn FileScan Functions
cd src/Altinn.FileScan.Functions
func start