What's Changed
Breaking Changes 🛠
- Feat/update auth policies by @CelineTrammi in #259
- Include more details in InitializeCorrespondence response by @CelineTrammi in #355
- Remove RestrictionName from AttachmentEntity by @CelineTrammi in #414
New Features 🎉
- Use environment in IaC by @Andreass2 in #64
- Feat/checksum by @CelineTrammi in #186
- Feat/fetch status by @CelineTrammi in #227
- Feat: validate DueDate and AllowSystemDelete for InitializeCorrespondence by @CelineTrammi in #243
- Feat/getcorrespondences default search by @CelineTrammi in #245
- Fix/attachment controller sender only by @CelineTrammi in #290
- Feat/correspondence policies with scope by @CelineTrammi in #294
- Varslingsmaler for varsling by @Andreass2 in #305
- Feat/get correspondences sender recipient filter by @CelineTrammi in #302
- Feat/notification cancellation hangfire job by @CelineTrammi in #317
- conditionEnpoint for notifications by @Andreass2 in #320
- Feat/disallow attachment upload after cs init by @CelineTrammi in #325
- ID-Porten login by @Ceredron in #340
- Reduce RequestSendTime from 7 days to 1 hour for Notification Reminder when testing by @CelineTrammi in #342
- Feature/add published by @mSunberg in #348
- Include information about notifications in Overview by @CelineTrammi in #366
- application/json response for InitializeCorrespondence, as well as response attributes added to api by @CelineTrammi in #372
- Feat: Add confirmation requirement
to correspondence by @CelineTrammi in #387 - Feat: Validation for language codes used by @CelineTrammi in #403
- Added exception handler with slack notification by @mSunberg in #412
- Add logic for downloading attachment for A2 GUI by @CelineTrammi in #421
Bugfixes 🐛
- Fix/add resourceId by @CelineTrammi in #230
- fix: Published status was overwritten by Fetch status using get details and overview by @CelineTrammi in #239
- Do not update "Status" with "Fetched", only add Fetched to StatusHistory by @CelineTrammi in #261
- Fix/get details missing fields by @CelineTrammi in #262
- Fix/upload attachment with failed correspondence by @CelineTrammi in #265
- Fix/download before publish by @CelineTrammi in #268
- Fix DialogToken authentication by @Ceredron in #353
- Wrong parameter used for publishing event. by @Ceredron in #359
- Feature/requested send time fortid by @mSunberg in #360
- Rettet feil i MalwareScan by @mSunberg in #370
- Use correct base url in callbacks by @Ceredron in #377
- Fix Maskinporten token error by @Ceredron in #386
- Make DueDateTime nullable by @CelineTrammi in #391
- fix: Validate Content is not null in InitializeCorrespondence by @CelineTrammi in #401
- Fix deploy permission by @Ceredron in #425
- Fix: Ensure correspondence is fetched before updating to Read or Confirmed by @CelineTrammi in #427
- Missing reference to Github environment in CI/CD by @Ceredron in #436
- Handle multiple scopes (space-separated) correctly by @Ceredron in #439
Other Changes
- Fix/log entries by @CelineTrammi in #178
- Fix/remove data location url in responses by @CelineTrammi in #231
- Feat/get latest status extensionmethod by @CelineTrammi in #270
- Use UtcNow instead of Now for DateTime and DateTimeOffset objects by @CelineTrammi in #339
- Include more information in Slack Alert after failed cancellation of notifications by @CelineTrammi in #344
- Retrieve notifications from correspondenceRepository in hangfire job by @CelineTrammi in #347
- Use appsettings.local.json for local development by @Ceredron in #368
- Return Ext models in API instead of application models, rename models to avoid confusion by @CelineTrammi in #459
Uncategorized changes
- Initial API model with Create Correspondence focus by @RagnarFatland-Avanade in #37
- Adjusted Correspondence statuses after further analysis by @RagnarFatland-Avanade in #48
- Feat/database layer by @Andreass2 in #52
- Adjustments to Correspondence API after initial feedback by @RagnarFatland-Avanade in #53
- Configure Renovate by @renovate in #33
- initialize correspondence by @Andreass2 in #54
- IaC for correspondence by @Andreass2 in #58
- Add test project by @Andreass2 in #59
- add dummy api requests for receiver by @Andreass2 in #61
- Get request for correspondences by @Andreass2 in #68
- Feature/get details and overview for attachment and correspondence by @Andreass2 in #74
- Add incident label to enable measurement of time-to-restore by @Ceredron in #76
- Attachment backend by @Ceredron in #79
- Feature/mark operations by @Andreass2 in #81
- add missing Status text by @Andreass2 in #84
- Determine version in CI/CD workflow, not the release version call by @Ceredron in #89
- Publish test branch workflow by @Ceredron in #90
- Publish to test environment directly with publish branch workflow by @Ceredron in #91
- Bug/fix datetimes by @Andreass2 in #92
- Publish correspondence if all attachments is uploaded by @Andreass2 in #87
- fix check for changes action gives wrong values by @Andreass2 in #96
- Add Console log event bus by @Andreass2 in #95
- add missing input to publish image in ci/cd by @Andreass2 in #98
- Cleanup all warnings. by @Andreass2 in #97
- Scan uploaded attachments by @Ceredron in #86
- Implement DeleteAttachment command by @Andreass2 in #102
- Re-factor: Simplify application handler naming by @Ceredron in #110
- Update dependency Azure.Identity to v1.11.4 [SECURITY] by @renovate in #113
- Simplified and optimized query for checking correspondence statuses by @Ceredron in #112
- Always run all infra steps regardless of changes by @Andreass2 in #111
- CI/CD script needs packages permission by @Andreass2 in #114
- Publish correspondences only when it should be available for receiver by @Andreass2 in #107
- Use correspondence attachment id for download attachment by @Andreass2 in #127
- Mark CorrespondenceAttachment as Message Body by @Andreass2 in #130
- Implement delete correspondence by @Andreass2 in #135
- Add postman collection and ci badge by @Andreass2 in #136
- Change messageBody to be a string field. by @Andreass2 in #141
- Download attachment does not check if published by @Andreass2 in #142
- mark correspondence as unread by @Andreass2 in #153
- Validate markdown/plaintext in correspondence content by @Andreass2 in #157
- Fix for database azure tokens and challenge errors by @Andreass2 in #160
- Complete Events to trigger for sender and receiver by @Andreass2 in #159
- Add message sender attribute to Correspondence by @Andreass2 in #164
- Bugfix: skipping default logic should only happen when authenticate fails by @Andreass2 in #165
- Always exchange to Altinn token when communicating with Altinn platform by @Ceredron in #167
- Fix testing in git actions by @Andreass2 in #170
- implement upload correspondence by @Andreass2 in #168
- Set correct owner for Hangfire tables by @Ceredron in #190
- Feature/multiple correspondence controller by @Andreass2 in #189
- Fix/cleanup small errors by @Andreass2 in #192
- Verify script in git action now crashes if failed state by @Andreass2 in #194
- Fix/verify action endless loop2 by @Andreass2 in #200
- Put application tables in schema by @Ceredron in #201
- Health check should verify database connectivity by @Ceredron in #203
- Entity framework expects UTC. … by @Ceredron in #206
- Remove sender from correspondence attachment by @Ceredron in #208
- Return ProblemDetails for authentication errors by @Ceredron in #209
- ReadyForPublish should be set after virus scan by @Ceredron in #212
- combine single and multiple post correspondence operations by @Andreass2 in #213
- Deploy to all environments by @Ceredron in #214
- Feat/attachmentid for existing attachments by @Andreass2 in #215
- Postman collection by @Andreass2 in #216
- update swagger by @Andreass2 in #217
- Get warnings on 500 errors by @Andreass2 in #223
- update dbserver to 16 by @Andreass2 in #226
- Feat/rewrite attachment by @Andreass2 in #238
- Periodic refresh of database token by @Ceredron in #240
- Organize background job as application handler by @Ceredron in #241
- Feat/process duedate by @Andreass2 in #242
- add security headers for sniffing and cachecontrol by @Andreass2 in #244
- cleanup events by @Andreass2 in #257
- fix bug where register crashes on org nr with country code by @Andreass2 in #276
- Feature/Create-Notifications by @Andreass2 in #273
- Remove sender in notification to use deault in notifications dependency by @Andreass2 in #287
- initial statushistory by @Andreass2 in #291
- Display correspondences in Arbeidsflate by @Ceredron in #263
- add IsReminder to internal notification model by @Andreass2 in #301
- Feature/melding migrering by @tomshag in #296
- Revamped Postman collection to have less nested requests, easier auth… by @Ceredron in #306
- Notification channel for reminders by @Andreass2 in #314
- Fixes from testing new Postman collection by @Ceredron in #312
- Bug/fix response init and upld by @mSunberg in #321
- Hotfix: Add SLACK_URL by @Ceredron in #324
- Change ResourceAccessLevel to match authorization policy given by @CelineTrammi in #327
- Disable Dialogporten for testing by @Ceredron in #328
- Chore/change to ignore reservation by @mSunberg in #326
- Endret variabelnavn til RequestedPublishTime by @mSunberg in #329
- Support Dialogporten callbacks and use its activity log by @Ceredron in #315
- Use correct attachmentid in attachment url by @Ceredron in #356
- Support tokens without pid by @Ceredron in #357
- Feature/249 uploadattachment endepunkt by @tomshag in #336
- Fix multi-scope tokens by @Ceredron in #373
- Update dockerfile non-major dependencies by @renovate in #115
- fix: use matchFileName and not fileMatch by @CelineTrammi in #379
- Inject general settings by @Ceredron in #381
- Do not use condition endpoint when running locally by @Ceredron in #383
- Remove internal endpoints in Swagger doc by @CelineTrammi in #466
- New (old) version number by @Ceredron in #469
New Contributors
- @RagnarFatland-Avanade made their first contribution in #37
- @renovate made their first contribution in #33
- @CelineTrammi made their first contribution in #178
- @tomshag made their first contribution in #296
- @mSunberg made their first contribution in #321
Full Changelog: https://github.com/Altinn/altinn-correspondence/commits/0.8.0