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Attack vs Defense resolution

Althea edited this page Jul 19, 2020 · 10 revisions

As in some advanced rulesets, combat resolution has been automated to spend less time doing math and give more space to role-play and fun. In order for this automation to run smoothly, here's some information about the process.

ℹ️ Fantasy Grounds basic features such as combat tracker and targeting will not be detailled here. Please go check their wiki ⤴ if you're not familiar with these.

1. Attack

The offender need to target one or more opponent before rolling their attack (via the tokens on the battlemap or directly in the combat tracker using the target button). When this is done, the player can roll their attack. Is considered as an attack roll every offensive action button in the combat tab (beside weapons or brawling items) :


Information related to the attack (offender, target, roll result, ...) will be stored while waiting for the defense roll.

1.1 Multiple target

Targeting multiple opponents wil roll as many attacks as targets.

1.2 Special attacks and profession skills

⚠️ For now (beta 0.4) special actions, such as profession skills, are not considered as an attack and will be not taken in account for combat automation. These must be handled manually except the one listed below.

1.2.1 Twin shot

ℹ️ introduced in version beta 0.5

If a profession skill named "Twin shot" exists and has a value greater than 0 then a new attack type is available for ranged weapon in the combat tab.

Twin shot allows a man at arms to shot two projectiles in a single shot. If the attack roll is successful, the damage can be rolled twice. If the shot is aimed only the first projectile will be aimed, the second will hit a random location on the target. If the attack results in critical, only the first projectile is treated as such, the second one will make standard damages.

1.2.2 Pin Point Aim

ℹ️ introduced in version beta 0.5

When scoring a critical shot, pin point aim allows a man at arms to add their Pin Point Aim value to their critical roll (location only). To enable this, after a critical hit and rolling a successful pin point aim roll you just have to enable the "Pin Point Aim" modifier before rolling damage. If the modifier is active, and a profession skill named "Pin Point Aim" exists and has a value greater than 0 then this value will be added to the critical location roll automatically.


1.3 Bonus/Malus

Strong attack modifier will be automatically added by using the correct attack button

Several modifiers can be added depending on the circumstances (aiming, light, ...) by using the modifiers list available at the top of the right side bar. One or more modifiers can be activated before rolling for the attack.


Other modifiers can be handled manually using the standard modifier stack ⤴ at the bottom left.

Modifier Stack

1.4 Aimed attack and location

If you want to aim your attack you should use the "Aiming Modifiers" (see 1.3 above).

If you do, the malus you get will be automatically applied to your attack roll. If your attack succeed, the damage modifier will also take the location you aimed into account.

If you don't aim a specific location, location will be rolled automatically at damage resolution (the roll nature depends on if you inflicted a critical wound or not).

2. Defense

When the attack roll is done, the defender must roll for defense. Is considered as an defense roll every defensive action button in the combat tab (beside weapons or brawling items and also the dodge and reposition action button at the top of the page) :


Once the defense roll is done the result is compared to the attack. Depending on the difference, the outcome will be displayed in the chat box :

  • Defense succeeded : end of the action
  • Attack succeeded : damages must be rolled
  • Attack succeded and a critical wound is inflicted : the critical level is also displayed and will be handled automatically when rolling for damages.

2.1 Special defense

⚠️ For now (beta 0.4) special actions, such as profession skills, are not considered as defense and will be not taken in account for combat automation. These must be handled manually.

2.2 Bonus/Malus

Parry modifier will be automatically added by using the correct defense button

As for the attack, modifiers can be added depending on the circumstances by using the modifiers list available at the top of the right side bar. One or more modifiers can be activated before rolling for the defense (see 1.3).

Other modifiers can be handled manually using the standard modifier stack ⤴ at the bottom left (see 1.3).

2.3 Weapon damage

When an attack is succesfully blocked with a weapon, it will automatically take 1 point of reliability damage.

3. Misc.

  • I made a mistake / rolled against the wrong target while attacking 😞 ➡️ GM can reset all pending attack using the menu at the top left corner of the combat tracker.

  • During a character round, all pending attacks are stacked as a queue (first in / first out) based on the attacker/defender pair, so if a character roll several attacks at once, every time a defense roll will be done it will be compared with the first attack targeting the defender.

  • A pending attack is deleted when a defense had been rolled and succeded or damage for this attack had been rolled and applied

  • When passing a turn in the combat tracker (using down arrow at the bottom of the CT), all the information related to the pending attacks are reset.

  • When attack vs defense resolution is done, if defense failed, the next step is rolling for damages