This is a basic API made using streamlit to analyze time series. You can see the deployment, hosted on IBM cloud - Kubernetes Cluster, here:
virtualenv venv -p python3.7
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
Go to src directory
streamlit run
docker build -t streamlit-ts-ml:0.1.0 -f Dockerfile .
docker run -p 8501:8501 streamlit-ts-ml:0.1.0
Then stop the process with the following command.
$ docker kill <weird_name>
If you need help for deploying on Kubernetes:
For tag and push (docker image) to container registry:
docker tag streamlit-ts-ml:0.2.0
docker push
Go to deploy directory and run the following commands:
For deployment:
kubectl apply -f deployment.yaml
For service:
kubectl apply -f service.yaml
Do not feel angry if the first try does not work, kubernetes and cloud is not too easy...but the result is really awesome!