Generalized mapping scripts for RNA-seq, Patch-seq or any gene expression data. Assumes that you have built an Allen Institute Taxonomy (AIT) object with scrattch.taxonomy.
You can find a detail description of all scrattch.mapping functions here:
We have setup a docker environemnt for scrattch.taxonomy and scrattch.mapping that contains all the required dependencies and the current version of all scrattch packages. This docker is accessible through docker hub via: njjai/scrattch_mapping:0.6.6
singularity exec --cleanenv docker://njjai/scrattch_mapping:0.6.6 Rscript YOUR_CODE.R
singularity shell --cleanenv docker://njjai/scrattch_mapping:0.6.6
While we advice using the provided docker, you can also install scrattch.mapping directly from github as follows:
Note: slight edits to installation will be needed while repo is private. Also note that doMC
may need to be installed manually from the download at if you use Windows.
# Quickly, but without the vignettes:
# More slowly, but with the vignettes:
devtools::install_github("AllenInstitute/scrattch-mapping",build_vignettes=TRUE, force=TRUE)
Note that this strategy might not work outside the docker due to complicated dependencies. Vignettes are provided below.
- Run Flat, Tree, and Seurat taxonomy mapping This examples shows how to use scrattch.mapping for standard taxonomy mapping.
- Mapping to HMBA Basal Ganglia AIT This tutorial shows how to map against the HMBA Human and Macaque Basal Ganglia consensus taxonomies.
If you run into any issues, please let Nelson and Jeremy know or create a new issue in the 'Issues' tab above.