💻 A shell script to install and configure macOS.
Clean-macOS Setup is a simple script that can be used after a clean installation of macOS to configure and install all the apps that you need. It uses dotfiles and shell scripts in order to speed up the configuration of macOS. This has been built off scripts and commands I have gathered over time. I can not be considered the author of this fully, hence this falls under the MIT license.
- Create "repair option" for Brew
- Create "revert to default settings"
You need an active internet connection and one of the following macOS version already installed:
- macOS 10.15 Catalina
- macOS 11 Big Sur
- macOS 12 Monterey
For the sake of making this easy and straight forward, the directory this is going to be cloned in is your root user directory (~). Feel free to change this to any directory you want and adjust the commands accordingly.
- Clean installation of macOS (version 10.15+)
- Signed to the Apple Store with your Apple ID account
- Clone the repo from within your root home dir with the command and jump into the directory
git clone https://github.com/Alitejawi/Clean-macOS-Setup.git ~/Clean-macOS-Setup
Open Terminal.app and run the command chmod -R a+x ~/Clean-macOS-Setup && ~/Clean-macOS-Setup/Clean-macOS-Setup.sh
, the following prompt will appear from which you can choose one of the options:
: install Homebrew package, binaries, casks, dependencies and Mac Apple Store application listed inBrewfile
: configure macOS with useful commands and updatezsh
plugins and preferencesUpdate
: update brews, casks and MAS applications and formulaes
For a step-by-step guide click here.
You are encouraged to fork this repository and to open issue to discuss the change you wish to make. If you want to actively contribute, click here for guidelines.
If you find it useful, please star or tell others about this repo.
- @mathiasbynens for his amazing dotfiles
- @robbyrussell for the guides of Oh My Zsh
- @MarioCatuogno for the prime example of how to do this.