I am former physicist that changed her carrier to become a Software Engineer. In 2021 I successfully finished requalification to web development by finishing full-stack web development course from Digital Carrier Institute. This course was one year long, fully certified and focused on MERN (MongoDB, ExpressJS, ReactJS and NodeJS) technology stack. During the course, I also worked as a tutor for my fellow students - I helped them to better understand the topic, with their problems and debugging.
What I love at Web Development is the opportunity to combine logic and skills gained during my science carrier path with a creativity channeled till now just through my hobbies - photography (check my flickr account below) and calligraphy.
As a former scientist, I like to understand things in details, therefore I regularly deepen and expand my knowledge by following Frontend Masters courses and skills by practicing the coding and creating new things (I learn through this Angular and recently started with Python).To feed also my need for creativity, I dived deep inside of the SVG and its animation. I like to make animations subtle yet realistic (see my icon easter eggs project).
Above that all, I am a big hat enthusiast - I have 13 in total and you will probably rarely see me without one of them 👒
After the web development course, i started to work at Thinkport as Cloud Engineer and dived to the Cloud (namely AWS) and Python. Appart of that, I also started to gather experiences with the Devops practices.
Currently I am continuing as Software Engineer focused on Cloud Platform & Infrastructure Automation at Novatec
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