- Store all domain directories inside src folder
i. src/ - highest level of an app, contains common models, configs, and constants, etc.
ii. src/main.py - root of the project, which inits the FastAPI app
- Each package has its own router, schemas, models, etc.
i. router.py - is a core of each module with all the endpoints
ii. schemas.py - for pydantic models
iii. models.py - for db models
iv. service.py - module specific business logic
v. dependencies.py - router dependencies
vi. constants.py - module specific constants and error codes
vii. config.py - e.g. env vars
viii. utils.py - non-business logic functions, e.g. response normalization, data enrichment, etc.
ix. exceptions.py - module specific exceptions, e.g. PostNotFound, InvalidUserData
- When package requires services or dependencies or constants from other packages - import them with an explicit module name