This repository hosts a terraform-managed AWS-based time series processing pipeline, designed in partiular for analysis of AWS VPC Flowlogs.
Set up a whole time series analysis pipeline on AWS, training two models for prediction and anomaly detection:
- AWS's DeepAR time series prediction model
- AWS's Random Cut Forest anomaly detection model
- A baseline own algorithm of our own, based on mean +/- standard deviation, used for both prediction & anomaly detection
You need a S3 bucket containing your flowlogs with the following shape:
With each output.json
file having the same shape as in mock-data/output.json.example
See the provisioning instructions in terraform/
Hosts the code of our AWS lambda functions. These services are triggered by AWS SNS Topic events, usually upon arrival of new batches of data, and are charged with the task of contacting our trained models for prediction & anomaly detection.
Hosts our mock data, used to test our models locally before plugging them to the whole pipeline.
Scripts to train & deploy our models as SageMaker endpoints. Also contains scripts to spin up a Random Cut Forest-based Kinesis anomaly detection pipeline.
Terraform-based provisioning scripts, taking care of everything from spinning up AWS services to training and deploying our models. Basically a on-click deployment solution!
Utility scripts used to generate & preprocess data.