Chrome Extension for displaying current song lyrics.
Supported music platforms:
- Spotify
- Apple Music
- Deezer
- YouTube (with chapters)
- YouTube Music
- SoundCloud
- Yandex Music
- Shazam
- Genius (mainly for testing)
- Odesli
Supported sources:
- Install the extension (link above).
- Pin it from extensions list to your toolbar.
- Press its icon when you want to get the current song lyrics.
Please note that this extension parse the current song artists and title from the currently open website and search for lyrics by this text. It doesn't recognize audio like Shazam, but you can use Shazam extension and then use this extension for lyrics even on a Shazam page.
- Theme selection: site (by default), light or dark.
- Displaying song art (album cover) or not (enabled by default).