This repository provides a bunch of scripts to train and deploy an object detector using tensorflow object detection api.
Follow the step by step guide to train, validate and deploy your own object detector.
- Python3
- tensorflow -->
- tensorflow object detection api -->
Create a dataset in yolo like format:
- 'images' --> folder containing the training image
- 'labels' --> containing 1 annotation file for each image in .txt (one BB per row with class x-center y-center w h)
- 'traininglist.txt' --> a txt file where each row refer an image to be used as training sample, images and labels folder should be contained in the same directory
- 'validationlist.txt' --> a txt file where each row refer an image to be used as validation sample, images and labels folder should be contained in the same directory
- 'className.txt' --> a txt file with the name of the class to be displayed, one per row
Convert both the training and validation set to tfrecord:
python \ -t ${IMAGE_LIST} \ -o ${OUTPUT} \ -c ${CLASSES}
- IMAGE_LIST: path to traininglist.txt or validationlist.txt
- OUTPUT: where the output files will be saved (tfrecord+labelmap)
- CLASSES: path to the className.txt file
Create the configuration file for training using the script
python \ -t ${TRAINING} \ -v ${VALIDATION} \ -l ${LABELS} \ -w ${WEIGHTS} \ -m ${MODEL} \ -s ${STEP}
- TRAINING,VALIDATION: path to the tfrecord to be used for training and validation
- LABELS: path to the labelmap.pbtxt
- WEIGHTS: path to the starting weights of the model, available here -->
- MODEL: name of the model to be used
- STEP: number of training steps for the detector
If needed change the parameter in the produced 'model.config'
Train the model as long as possible:
# From the tensorflow/models/research directory python object_detection/ \ --logtostderr \ --pipeline_config_path=${PATH_TO_YOUR_PIPELINE_CONFIG} \ --train_dir=${PATH_TO_TRAIN_DIR}
- PATH_TO_YOUR_PIPELINE_CONFIG: path to the model.config generated at step 3
- PATH_TO_TRAIN_DIR: where the model will be saved
OPTIONAL - Run evaluation
# From the tensorflow/models/research directory python object_detection/ \ --logtostderr \ --pipeline_config_path=${PATH_TO_YOUR_PIPELINE_CONFIG} \ --checkpoint_dir=${PATH_TO_TRAIN_DIR} \ --eval_dir=${PATH_TO_EVAL_DIR}
- PATH_TO_EVAL_DIR: where the evaluation event will be saved (use tensorboard to visualize them)
Export trained model as inference graph (WARNING: this action freeze the weight, so the model can only be used for inference not for training)
# From tensorflow/models/research python object_detection/ \ --input_type image_tensor \ --pipeline_config_path ${PIPELINE_CONFIG_PATH} \ --trained_checkpoint_prefix model.ckpt-${CHECKPOINT_NUMBER} \ --output_directory output_inference_graph
Visual Detection
python \ -g ${GRAPH} \ -l ${LABEL_MAP} \ -t ${TARGET} \ -o ${OUT_FLD} -v
- GRAPH: path to the frozen inference graph produced at step 6
- LABEL_MAP: path to labelmap.pbtxt
- TARGET: path to an image to test or to a .txt file with the list of image to test (one per row)
- OUT_FLD: folder were the prediction will be saved, one '.txt' file for each image with one detection per row encoded as: %class %X_center %Y_center %width %height %confidence
OPTIONAL - Live detection from webcam (needs opencv...)
python \ -g ${GRAPH} \ -l ${LABEL_MAP} \ -c ${CAM_ID}
- GRAPH: path to the frozen inference graph produced at step 6
- LABEL_MAP: path to labelmap.pbtxt
- CAM_ID: id of the camera as seen by opencv