Releases: AlesInfiny/maris
Releases · AlesInfiny/maris
What's Changed
📰 Features
- XMLコメントの変更をOpenAPI仕様書・クライアントコードに反映する by @KentaHizume in #2249
- AdminのControllerのAuthorizeに渡す値が誤っている問題を修正 by @KentaHizume in #2248
- [email protected]にアップデートする by @KentaHizume in #2250
- Dressca のフロントエンドについて Maia v1.0 の変更を移植 by @KentaHizume in #2269
- AzureADB2C サンプルのフロントエンドについて Maia v1.0 の変更を反映 by @KentaHizume in #2268
🏷️ 🟣 NuGet package dependencies
- nuget-azure-ad-b2c-backend: bump xunit from 2.9.2 to 2.9.3 in /samples/AzureADB2CAuth/auth-backend in the xunit-packages group by @dependabot in #2255
- nuget-console-app-with-di: bump xunit from 2.9.2 to 2.9.3 in /samples/ConsoleAppWithDI/solution in the xunit-packages group by @dependabot in #2253
- nuget-dressca: bump xunit from 2.9.2 to 2.9.3 in /samples/Dressca/dressca-backend in the xunit-packages group by @dependabot in #2256
- nuget-console-app-with-di: bump xunit.runner.visualstudio from 3.0.0 to 3.0.1 in /samples/ConsoleAppWithDI/solution in the xunit-packages group by @dependabot in #2258
- nuget-azure-ad-b2c-backend: bump xunit.runner.visualstudio from 3.0.0 to 3.0.1 in /samples/AzureADB2CAuth/auth-backend in the xunit-packages group by @dependabot in #2260
- nuget-dressca: bump xunit.runner.visualstudio from 3.0.0 to 3.0.1 in /samples/Dressca/dressca-backend in the xunit-packages group by @dependabot in #2261
- Dresscaの依存するNuGetパッケージを更新(8.0.11 > 8.0.12) by @tsuna-can-se in #2280
- nuget-azure-ad-b2c-backend: bump the dotnet-packages group in /samples/AzureADB2CAuth/auth-backend with 4 updates by @dependabot in #2272
🏷️ ⚪ npm package dependencies
- npm-root: bump textlint from 14.4.0 to 14.4.2 by @dependabot in #2212
- npm-root: bump textlint-rule-preset-ja-technical-writing from 10.0.1 to 12.0.2 by @dependabot in #2211
- npm-root: bump markdownlint-cli2 from 0.16.0 to 0.17.1 by @dependabot in #2206
🏷️ Other dependencies
- softprops/action-gh-releaseのバージョンを v2.2.1 に更新 by @fkoyama in #2241
- python: bump pymdown-extensions from 10.11.2 to 10.14 by @dependabot in #2246
- python: bump mkdocs-rss-plugin from 1.15.0 to 1.17.1 by @dependabot in #2147
- github-actions: bump Wandalen/wretry.action from 3.7.3 to 3.8.0 in /.github/workflows by @dependabot in #2254
🍭 improvements in development
- XMLコメントの文体を統一する by @fkoyama in #2239
- AzureADB2Cサンプルをopenapi-generatorのアップデート検知ワークフローの対象にする by @fkoyama in #2244
- AzureADB2Cサンプルとconsumerのpreview時のポートを未指定(デフォルト値)に統一 by @KentaHizume in #2288
Full Changelog: v1.0.0-Beta1...v1.0.0-Beta2
What's Changed
📰 Features
- Consumerにソリューションフィルターを導入する by @KentaHizume in #1623
- Dressca.WebにWeb系の共通部品を集約する by @KentaHizume in #2012
- AzureADB2Cサンプルにnpm workspacesを導入する by @KentaHizume in #1993
- システムエラーのエラー情報を返却するコントローラー実装例を更新 by @KentaHizume in #2027
- 「.NET Frameworkにとどまることのリスク」の内容を最新化する by @kharada7 in #2084
- Admin由来の軽微な改善を実施 by @KentaHizume in #2138
- 楽観同時実行制御・認可を行うサンプルアプリ(Dressca Admin)を追加する by @KentaHizume in #2137
- Consumerの共通部品の参照先を切り替える by @KentaHizume in #2160
- OpenAPI Generatorで使用するJDKの下限を修正 by @kenjiyoshid-a in #2164
- 各サービス名称修正と略語追加、cSpell警告対応等の軽微な修正を実施 by @rnakagawa16 in #2162
- フロントエンドの自動テストスイートを改善して[email protected]にアップデートする by @KentaHizume in #2169
- MaiaのAdminフロントエンドと同期を取る by @KentaHizume in #2185
- メソッド名の ByAdmin を ForAdmin に変更 by @KentaHizume in #2186
- ワークフローのサードパーティーアクションのバージョンをコミットハッシュで固定する by @fkoyama in #2215
🔧 Bug fixes
- アセットコードから改行文字を取り除いてからログ出力する by @KentaHizume in #2192
🏷️ 🟣 NuGet package dependencies
- nuget-console-app-with-di: bump Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk from 17.11.1 to 17.12.0 in /samples/ConsoleAppWithDI/solution by @dependabot in #2043
- console-app-with-di Microsoft.Extensions 系ライブラリのアップデート by @tsuna-can-se in #2152
- nuget-console-app-with-di: bump xunit.runner.visualstudio from 2.8.2 to 3.0.0 in /samples/ConsoleAppWithDI/solution in the xunit-packages group by @dependabot in #2142
- nuget-azure-ad-b2c-backend: bump xunit.runner.visualstudio from 2.8.2 to 3.0.0 in /samples/AzureADB2CAuth/auth-backend in the xunit-packages group by @dependabot in #2148
- nuget-dressca: bump xunit.runner.visualstudio from 2.8.2 to 3.0.0 in /samples/Dressca/dressca-backend in the xunit-packages group by @dependabot in #2144
- nuget-azure-ad-b2c-backend: bump Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk from 17.11.1 to 17.12.0 in /samples/AzureADB2CAuth/auth-backend by @dependabot in #2048
- nuget-dressca: bump Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk from 17.11.1 to 17.12.0 in /samples/Dressca/dressca-backend by @dependabot in #2039
- nuget-azure-ad-b2c-backend: bump the nswag-packages group in /samples/AzureADB2CAuth/auth-backend with 2 updates by @dependabot in #2047
- nuget-azure-ad-b2c-backend: bump Microsoft.Identity.Web from 3.2.0 to 3.5.0 in /samples/AzureADB2CAuth/auth-backend by @dependabot in #2121
- nuget-azure-ad-b2c-backend: bump the dotnet-packages group across 1 directory with 4 updates by @dependabot in #2008
- nuget-dressca: bump the nswag-packages group in /samples/Dressca/dressca-backend with 2 updates by @dependabot in #2038
- nuget-dressca: bump the dotnet-packages group across 1 directory with 10 updates by @dependabot in #2157
- nuget-console-app-with-di: bump coverlet.collector from 6.0.2 to 6.0.3 in /samples/ConsoleAppWithDI/solution by @dependabot in #2205
- nuget-azure-ad-b2c-backend: bump coverlet.collector from 6.0.2 to 6.0.3 in /samples/AzureADB2CAuth/auth-backend by @dependabot in #2207
- nuget-dressca: bump coverlet.collector from 6.0.2 to 6.0.3 in /samples/Dressca/dressca-backend by @dependabot in #2208
🏷️ ⚪ npm package dependencies
- npm-root: bump markdownlint-cli2 from 0.15.0 to 0.16.0 by @dependabot in #2129
- npm-root: bump textlint from 14.3.0 to 14.4.0 by @dependabot in #2107
- npm-root: bump cross-spawn from 7.0.3 to 7.0.6 by @dependabot in #2046
- npm-root: bump npm-run-all2 from 7.0.1 to 7.0.2 by @dependabot in #2143
- npm-azure-ad-b2c-frontend: bump npm-run-all2 from 7.0.1 to 7.0.2 in /samples/AzureADB2CAuth/auth-frontend by @dependabot in #2145
🍭 improvements in development
- 行動規範を作成 by @kharada7 in #1320
- CODE_OF_CONDUCT.mdにcspellの無視リストを追加 by @tsuna-can-se in #2013
- ライセンス文言を修正 by @tsuna-can-se in #2014
- textlintを有効にする設定方法を修正 by @tsuna-can-se in #2024
- ドキュメントLintツールのコマンドベースでの使い方を追記する by @tsuna-can-se in #2025
- 型チェックのコマンドの綴りをtypecheckからtype-checkに変更 by @KentaHizume in #2026
- コントリビューター向けのガイドラインを作成する by @tsuna-can-se in #2028
- 行動規範を.githubフォルダーに移動する by @tsuna-can-se in #2035
- CSpellの除外設定を追加 by @tsuna-can-se in #2044
- markdownlint-cli2を導入する by @tsuna-can-se in #2049
- トップページのREADMEを追加 by @tsuna-can-se in #1426
- .githubフォルダーをtextlintの対象に含める by @tsuna-can-se in #2050
- プルリクエストテンプレートを追加 by @tsuna-can-se in #2051
- 汎用およびOpen APIジェネレータ用のIssueテンプレートを更新 by @tsuna-can-se in #2053
- 不具合報告用のissueテンプレートを追加 by @tsuna-can-se in #2054
- クローラーの巡回が許可されるようにする by @tsuna-can-se in #2055
- READMEの日本語誤りを修正 by @tsuna-can-se in #2059
- WebサイトからGitHubリポジトリにリンクする by @tsuna-can-se in #2060
- 各ページに更新日と新規作成日を表示する by @tsuna-can-se in #2072
- 機能要求のIssueテンプレートを追加 by @tsuna-can-se in #2083
- textlint ルールの有効化のコメントを修正 by @tsuna-can-se in #2099
- ドキュメントの外部リンクを別タブに遷移するよう統一する by @KentaHizume in #2116
- cspellの対象から.gitフォルダー、drawioファイル、svgファイルを除外 by @tsuna-can-se in #2133
- dependabotでNuGetのSTSバージョン(9, 11)を無視する設定を追加 by @tsuna-can-se in #2155
- MockServiceWorkerのライセンスをリポジトリに含める by @rnakagawa16 in #2176
- API クライアントで使用する HTTP ステータスコードについて axios から提供される Enum を使用するように修正 by @KentaHizume in #2177
- 不要なREADMEファイルを削除 by @KentaHizume in #2180
- Dresscaのコメント誤りを訂正 by @KentaHizume in #2187
- build-documents-ci.yml にpermissionを明示的に設定する by @tsuna-can-se in #2191
- ObjectExtentionsの名前空間をSystemに変更 by @KentaHizume in #2196
- remove-old-artifacts.yml にpermissionを明示的に設定する by @tsuna-can-se in #2194
- にpermissionを明示的に設定する by @tsuna-can-se in #2199
- samples-azure-ad-b2c-auth-ci.ymlにpermissionを明示的に設定する by @tsuna-can-se in #2201
-にpermissionを明示的に設定する by @tsuna-can-se in #2203
- remove-old-artifacts.ymlにactionsのpermissionsを追加 by @tsuna-can-se in #2204
New Contributors
- @kenjiyoshid-a made their first contribution in #2164
Full Changelog: v0.10.2...v1.0.0-Beta1
What's Changed
📰 Features
- (Dressca)[email protected]にダウングレードしてlint時の警告を避ける by @KentaHizume in #1939
- ルートプロジェクトにモックモードでの起動スクリプトを追加 by @KentaHizume in #1950
- (AzureADB2C)[email protected]にダウングレードしてlint時の警告を避ける by @KentaHizume in #1941
- [Dressca-Consumer][email protected]のフロントエンドのコードをmarisに移植する by @KentaHizume in #1961
- [AzureADB2CAuth][email protected]のフロントエンドのコードをmarisに移植する by @KentaHizume in #1962
- フロントエンドのコーディング規約に関する説明を詳細化 by @KentaHizume in #1984
- フロントエンド開発に関係するVSCodeの拡張機能について説明を追加 by @KentaHizume in #1987
🔧 Bug fixes
- サンプルアプリの起動手順をワークスペース用に変更する by @KentaHizume in #1895
🏷️ ⚪ npm package dependencies
- npm-root: bump npm-run-all2 from 6.2.3 to 7.0.1 by @dependabot in #1924
- npm-root: bump textlint from 14.2.1 to 14.3.0 by @dependabot in #1928
🍭 improvements in development
- @vue/eslint-config-airbnb-with-typescriptをdependenciesからdevDependenciesに移動する by @KentaHizume in #1931
- dependabotの付与するルートディレクトリのnpmパッケージの更新に対するPRのラベルを変更する by @tsuna-can-se in #1980
- リリースノートの設定にBug fixesセクションを追加 by @tsuna-can-se in #1989
Full Changelog: v0.10.1...v0.10.2
What's Changed
📰 Features
- (Dressca)[email protected]にダウングレードしてlint時の警告を避ける by @KentaHizume in #1939
- ルートプロジェクトにモックモードでの起動スクリプトを追加 by @KentaHizume in #1950
- (AzureADB2C)[email protected]にダウングレードしてlint時の警告を避ける by @KentaHizume in #1941
- [Dressca-Consumer][email protected]のフロントエンドのコードをmarisに移植する by @KentaHizume in #1961
- [AzureADB2CAuth][email protected]のフロントエンドのコードをmarisに移植する by @KentaHizume in #1962
- フロントエンドのコーディング規約に関する説明を詳細化 by @KentaHizume in #1984
- フロントエンド開発に関係するVSCodeの拡張機能について説明を追加 by @KentaHizume in #1987
🔧 Bug fixes
- サンプルアプリの起動手順をワークスペース用に変更する by @KentaHizume in #1895
🏷️ ⚪ npm package dependencies
- npm-root: bump npm-run-all2 from 6.2.3 to 7.0.1 by @dependabot in #1924
- npm-root: bump textlint from 14.2.1 to 14.3.0 by @dependabot in #1928
🍭 improvements in development
- @vue/eslint-config-airbnb-with-typescriptをdependenciesからdevDependenciesに移動する by @KentaHizume in #1931
- dependabotの付与するルートディレクトリのnpmパッケージの更新に対するPRのラベルを変更する by @tsuna-can-se in #1980
- リリースノートの設定にBug fixesセクションを追加 by @tsuna-can-se in #1989
Full Changelog: v0.10.1...v0.10.2-Beta1
What's Changed
📰 Features
- ルートプロジェクトとワークスペースについて用語の使い方を統一する by @KentaHizume in #1856
- コーディング規約のメニュー表示位置を暫定的に一段上に変更 by @tsuna-can-se in #1863
🏷️ ⚪ npm package dependencies
- npm-root: bump textlint from 14.2.0 to 14.2.1 by @dependabot in #1850
🍭 improvements in development
- monorepo-frontendフォルダーを削除 by @tsuna-can-se in #1864
Full Changelog: v0.10.0...v0.10.1
What's Changed
📰 Features
- ルートプロジェクトとワークスペースについて用語の使い方を統一する by @KentaHizume in #1856
- コーディング規約のメニュー表示位置を暫定的に一段上に変更 by @tsuna-can-se in #1863
🏷️ ⚪ npm package dependencies
- npm-root: bump textlint from 14.2.0 to 14.2.1 by @dependabot in #1850
🍭 improvements in development
- monorepo-frontendフォルダーを削除 by @tsuna-can-se in #1864
Full Changelog: v0.10.0...v0.10.1-Beta1
What's Changed
📰 Features
- Authorをコミュニティ名にする by @tsuna-can-se in #1420
- IAssetRepository.Findメソッドを非同期メソッドに変更する by @tsuna-can-se in #1430
- フロントエンドにAirbnb JavaScript Style Guideを適用する by @fkoyama in #1466
- フロントエンドのエラーハンドリングを整備する by @1nu1taichi in #795
- ドキュメントに「セキュリティ編」カテゴリを作成し「クロスサイトスクリプティング」を追加する by @kharada7 in #1380
- v7.7.0でクライアントコードを再生成 by @KentaHizume in #1539
- 認証フローの説明を修正 by @kharada7 in #1545
- コーディング規約について追記する by @fkoyama in #1526
- UnitTestsプロジェクトを再編成 by @KentaHizume in #1575
- 不要になったDressca.UnitTestsおよび配下のファイルを削除する by @KentaHizume in #1587
- CatalogDomainServiceTestのテストが稀に失敗する問題に対処する by @tsuna-can-se in #1630
- フォルダー名をatoms-and-moleculesに修正 by @kharada7 in #1644
- npm workspacesを導入する by @KentaHizume in #1602
- アーキテクチャCSR編に全体処理方式を作成する by @kharada7 in #1641
- npm ciを使用してインストールするパッケージのバージョンを固定する by @KentaHizume in #1747
- Storeを永続化方式を定める by @1nu1taichi in #1554
- MSAL.jsの秘密情報の保存方式についてドキュメントを追加 by @rnakagawa16 in #1797
- 認証状態を取得する非同期処理を待つようにfetchUserを修正する by @1nu1taichi in #1810
- [email protected]にバージョンを戻す by @KentaHizume in #1808
- VSCodeの設定ファイルをルートプロジェクト直下に移動 by @KentaHizume in #1822
- TailwindCSSの初期設定手順を最新化する by @KentaHizume in #1826
- mermaidの表示バグを避けるためにmkdocs-materialを9.5.33にダウングレードする by @KentaHizume in #1841
🏷️ 🟣 NuGet package dependencies
- nuget-azure-ad-b2c-backend: bump the dotnet-packages group in /samples/AzureADB2CAuth/auth-backend with 4 updates by @dependabot in #1444
- nuget-azure-ad-b2c-backend: bump Microsoft.Identity.Web from 2.19.1 to 2.20.0 in /samples/AzureADB2CAuth/auth-backend by @dependabot in #1400
- nuget-azure-ad-b2c-backend: bump Microsoft.Identity.Web, Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions, Microsoft.Extensions.Logging and Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.JwtBearer in /samples/AzureADB2CAuth/auth-backend by @dependabot in #1480
- nuget-azure-ad-b2c-backend: bump the nswag-packages group in /samples/AzureADB2CAuth/auth-backend with 2 updates by @dependabot in #1479
- nuget-azure-ad-b2c-backend: bump the xunit-packages group in /samples/AzureADB2CAuth/auth-backend with 2 updates by @dependabot in #1435
- nuget-dressca: bump the nswag-packages group in /samples/Dressca/dressca-backend with 2 updates by @dependabot in #1476
- nuget-dressca: bump the dotnet-packages group in /samples/Dressca/dressca-backend with 2 updates by @dependabot in #1442
- nuget-dressca: bump the xunit-packages group in /samples/Dressca/dressca-backend with 2 updates by @dependabot in #1439
- nuget-console-app-with-di: bump the dotnet-packages group in /samples/ConsoleAppWithDI/solution with 2 updates by @dependabot in #1443
- nuget-console-app-with-di: bump the xunit-packages group in /samples/ConsoleAppWithDI/solution with 2 updates by @dependabot in #1437
- nuget-azure-ad-b2c-backend: bump Microsoft.Identity.Web, Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions, Microsoft.Extensions.Logging and Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.JwtBearer in /samples/AzureADB2CAuth/auth-backend by @dependabot in #1496
- nuget-dressca: bump Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk from 17.10.0 to 17.11.0 in /samples/Dressca/dressca-backend by @dependabot in #1621
- nuget-console-app-with-di: bump Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk from 17.10.0 to 17.11.0 in /samples/ConsoleAppWithDI/solution by @dependabot in #1622
- nuget-azure-ad-b2c-backend: bump Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk from 17.10.0 to 17.11.0 in /samples/AzureADB2CAuth/auth-backend by @dependabot in #1620
- nuget-console-app-with-di: bump the dotnet-packages group across 1 directory with 3 updates by @dependabot in #1606
- nuget-dressca: bump the dotnet-packages group across 1 directory with 3 updates by @dependabot in #1608
- nuget-console-app-with-di: bump Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk from 17.11.0 to 17.11.1 in /samples/ConsoleAppWithDI/solution by @dependabot in #1691
- nuget-azure-ad-b2c-backend: bump Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk from 17.11.0 to 17.11.1 in /samples/AzureADB2CAuth/auth-backend by @dependabot in #1693
- nuget-dressca: bump Moq from 4.20.70 to 4.20.72 in /samples/Dressca/dressca-backend by @dependabot in #1698
- nuget-console-app-with-di: bump Moq from 4.20.70 to 4.20.72 in /samples/ConsoleAppWithDI/solution by @dependabot in #1696
- nuget-dressca: bump Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk from 17.11.0 to 17.11.1 in /samples/Dressca/dressca-backend by @dependabot in #1694
- nuget-console-app-with-di: bump the dotnet-packages group across 1 directory with 2 updates by @dependabot in #1697
- nuget-dressca: bump the dotnet-packages group across 1 directory with 2 updates by @dependabot in #1699
- nuget-azure-ad-b2c-backend: bump the dotnet-packages group across 1 directory with 4 updates by @dependabot in #1634
- nuget-azure-ad-b2c-backend: bump Microsoft.Identity.Web from 3.0.1 to 3.1.0 in /samples/AzureADB2CAuth/auth-backend by @dependabot in #1626
- nuget-console-app-with-di: bump xunit from 2.9.0 to 2.9.1 in /samples/ConsoleAppWithDI/solution in the xunit-packages group by @dependabot in #1754
- nuget-dressca: bump xunit from 2.9.0 to 2.9.1 in /samples/Dressca/dressca-backend in the xunit-packages group by @dependabot in #1759
- nuget-azure-ad-b2c-backend: bump xunit from 2.9.0 to 2.9.1 in /samples/AzureADB2CAuth/auth-backend in the xunit-packages group by @dependabot in #1765
- Microsoft.Identity.Webを3.2.0へ更新 by @kharada7 in #1790
- nuget-console-app-with-di: bump xunit from 2.9.1 to 2.9.2 in /samples/ConsoleAppWithDI/solution in the xunit-packages group by @dependabot in #1802
- nuget-azure-ad-b2c-backend: bump xunit from 2.9.1 to 2.9.2 in /samples/AzureADB2CAuth/auth-backend in the xunit-packages group by @dependabot in #1805
- nuget-dressca: bump xunit from 2.9.1 to 2.9.2 in /samples/Dressca/dressca-backend in the xunit-packages group by @dependabot in #1803
🏷️ ⚪ npm package dependencies
- npm-azure-ad-b2c-frontend: bump @types/node from 20.14.8 to 20.14.11 in /samples/AzureADB2CAuth/auth-frontend by @dependabot in #1472
- npm-azure-ad-b2c-frontend: bump vue from 3.4.30 to 3.4.32 in /samples/AzureADB2CAuth/auth-frontend by @dependabot in #1477
- npm-azure-ad-b2c-frontend: bump @azure/msal-browser from 3.17.0 to 3.19.1 in /samples/AzureADB2CAuth/auth-frontend by @dependabot in #1470
- npm-azure-ad-b2c-frontend: bump vue from 3.4.30 to 3.4.33 in /samples/AzureADB2CAuth/auth-frontend by @dependabot in #1481
- npm-azure-ad-b2c-frontend: bump vite from 5.3.1 to 5.3.4 in /samples/AzureADB2CAuth/auth-frontend by @dependabot in #1471
- npm-azure-ad-b2c-frontend: bump vitest from 1.6.0 to 2.0.3 in /samples/AzureADB2CAuth/auth-frontend by @dependabot in #1465
- npm-azure-ad-b2c-frontend: bump prettier from 3.3.2 to 3.3.3 in /samples/AzureADB2CAuth/auth-frontend by @dependabot in #1459
- npm-azure-ad-b2c-frontend: bump @heroicons/vue from 2.1.4 to 2.1.5 in /samples/AzureADB2CAuth/auth-frontend by @dependabot in #1449
- npm-azure-ad-b2c-frontend: bump vue-tsc from 2.0.22 to 2.0.26 in /samples/AzureADB2CAuth/auth-frontend by @dependabot in #1421
- npm-azure-ad-b2c-frontend: bump npm-run-all2 from 6.2.0 to 6.2.2 in /samples/AzureADB2CAuth/auth-frontend by @dependabot in #1419
- npm-azure-ad-b2c-frontend: bump eslint-plugin-vue from 9.26.0 to 9.27.0 in /samples/AzureADB2CAuth/auth-frontend by @dependabot in #1412
- npm-dressca-frontend: bump vue from 3.4.30 to 3.4.32 in /samples/Dressca/dressca-frontend by @d...
What's Changed
📰 Features
- mermaidの表示バグを避けるためにmkdocs-materialを9.5.33にダウングレードする by @KentaHizume in #1841
Full Changelog: v0.10.0-Beta2...v0.10.0-Beta3
What's Changed
📰 Features
- 認証状態を取得する非同期処理を待つようにfetchUserを修正する by @1nu1taichi in #1810
- [email protected]にバージョンを戻す by @KentaHizume in #1808
- VSCodeの設定ファイルをルートプロジェクト直下に移動 by @KentaHizume in #1822
- TailwindCSSの初期設定手順を最新化する by @KentaHizume in #1826
🏷️ ⚪ npm package dependencies
- npm-dressca-frontend: bump @types/node from 22.7.2 to 22.7.3 in /samples/Dressca/dressca-frontend by @dependabot in #1798
- npm-azure-ad-b2c-frontend: bump @types/node from 22.7.2 to 22.7.3 in /samples/AzureADB2CAuth/auth-frontend by @dependabot in #1801
- npm-dressca-frontend: bump vue from 3.5.8 to 3.5.10 in /samples/Dressca/dressca-frontend by @dependabot in #1806
- npm-azure-ad-b2c-frontend: bump vue from 3.5.8 to 3.5.10 in /samples/AzureADB2CAuth/auth-frontend by @dependabot in #1807
- npm-dressca-frontend: bump @openapitools/openapi-generator-cli from 2.13.9 to 2.13.12 in /samples/Dressca/dressca-frontend by @dependabot in #1812
- npm-azure-ad-b2c-frontend: bump @openapitools/openapi-generator-cli from 2.13.9 to 2.13.12 in /samples/AzureADB2CAuth/auth-frontend by @dependabot in #1816
- npm-dressca-frontend: bump @rollup/rollup-linux-x64-gnu from 4.22.4 to 4.22.5 in /samples/Dressca/dressca-frontend by @dependabot in #1813
- npm-dressca-frontend: bump @types/node from 22.7.3 to 22.7.4 in /samples/Dressca/dressca-frontend by @dependabot in #1814
- npm-azure-ad-b2c-frontend: bump @types/node from 22.7.3 to 22.7.4 in /samples/AzureADB2CAuth/auth-frontend by @dependabot in #1815
- npm-dressca-frontend: bump pinia from 2.2.2 to 2.2.3 in /samples/Dressca/dressca-frontend by @dependabot in #1825
- npm-dressca-frontend: bump pinia from 2.2.3 to 2.2.4 in /samples/Dressca/dressca-frontend by @dependabot in #1830
- npm-dressca-frontend: bump @rollup/rollup-linux-x64-gnu from 4.22.5 to 4.23.0 in /samples/Dressca/dressca-frontend by @dependabot in #1829
- npm-azure-ad-b2c-frontend: bump pinia from 2.2.2 to 2.2.4 in /samples/AzureADB2CAuth/auth-frontend by @dependabot in #1832
- npm-dressca-frontend: bump vite from 5.4.6 to 5.4.8 in /samples/Dressca/dressca-frontend by @dependabot in #1786
- npm-azure-ad-b2c-frontend: bump vite from 5.3.5 to 5.4.8 in /samples/AzureADB2CAuth/auth-frontend by @dependabot in #1785
- viteが推移的に依存するrollupをバージョンアップしてセキュリティアラートに対応する by @KentaHizume in #1836
- npm-dressca-frontend: bump vitest from 2.1.1 to 2.1.2 in /samples/Dressca/dressca-frontend by @dependabot in #1839
- npm-azure-ad-b2c-frontend: bump vitest from 2.1.1 to 2.1.2 in /samples/AzureADB2CAuth/auth-frontend by @dependabot in #1833
- npm-azure-ad-b2c-frontend: bump @azure/msal-browser from 3.24.0 to 3.25.0 in /samples/AzureADB2CAuth/auth-frontend by @dependabot in #1834
🏷️ Other dependencies
- python: bump pymdown-extensions from 10.10.2 to 10.11.1 by @dependabot in #1819
- python: bump mkdocs-material from 9.5.38 to 9.5.39 by @dependabot in #1818
- Bump rollup from 2.79.1 to 2.79.2 in /samples/monorepo-frontend/modules/component by @dependabot in #1828
- python: bump pymdown-extensions from 10.11.1 to 10.11.2 by @dependabot in #1831
Full Changelog: v0.10.0-Beta1...v0.10.0-Beta2
What's Changed
📰 Features
- Authorをコミュニティ名にする by @tsuna-can-se in #1420
- IAssetRepository.Findメソッドを非同期メソッドに変更する by @tsuna-can-se in #1430
- カスタムアクションのバージョンの指定方法を修正する by @KentaHizume in #1474
- フロントエンドにAirbnb JavaScript Style Guideを適用する by @fkoyama in #1466
- フロントエンドのエラーハンドリングを整備する by @1nu1taichi in #795
- ドキュメントに「セキュリティ編」カテゴリを作成し「クロスサイトスクリプティング」を追加する by @kharada7 in #1380
- v7.7.0でクライアントコードを再生成 by @KentaHizume in #1539
- 認証フローの説明を修正 by @kharada7 in #1545
- コーディング規約について追記する by @fkoyama in #1526
- UnitTestsプロジェクトを再編成 by @KentaHizume in #1575
- 不要になったDressca.UnitTestsおよび配下のファイルを削除する by @KentaHizume in #1587
- CatalogDomainServiceTestのテストが稀に失敗する問題に対処する by @tsuna-can-se in #1630
- フォルダー名をatoms-and-moleculesに修正 by @kharada7 in #1644
- npm workspacesを導入する by @KentaHizume in #1602
- アーキテクチャCSR編に全体処理方式を作成する by @kharada7 in #1641
- CIの npm install を npm ci に変更する by @KentaHizume in #1737
- npm ciを使用してインストールするパッケージのバージョンを固定する by @KentaHizume in #1747
- eslintのバージョンを8.57.1から8.57.0に戻す by @KentaHizume in #1751
- [email protected]にアップデートする by @KentaHizume in #1768
- [Dressca-Consumer]openapi-generatorを7.8.0にアップデートする by @KentaHizume in #1774
- eslintのバージョンを8.57.1から8.57.0に戻す by @KentaHizume in #1777
- [AzureADB2C]openapi-generatorを7.8.0にアップデート by @KentaHizume in #1775
- Microsoft.Identity.Webを3.2.0へ更新 by @kharada7 in #1790
- [email protected]にアップデートする by @KentaHizume in #1794
- Storeを永続化方式を定める by @1nu1taichi in #1554
- MSAL.jsの秘密情報の保存方式についてドキュメントを追加 by @rnakagawa16 in #1797
🏷️ 🟣 NuGet package dependencies
- nuget-azure-ad-b2c-backend: bump the dotnet-packages group in /samples/AzureADB2CAuth/auth-backend with 4 updates by @dependabot in #1444
- nuget-azure-ad-b2c-backend: bump Microsoft.Identity.Web from 2.19.1 to 2.20.0 in /samples/AzureADB2CAuth/auth-backend by @dependabot in #1400
- nuget-azure-ad-b2c-backend: bump Microsoft.Identity.Web, Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions, Microsoft.Extensions.Logging and Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.JwtBearer in /samples/AzureADB2CAuth/auth-backend by @dependabot in #1480
- nuget-azure-ad-b2c-backend: bump the nswag-packages group in /samples/AzureADB2CAuth/auth-backend with 2 updates by @dependabot in #1479
- nuget-azure-ad-b2c-backend: bump the xunit-packages group in /samples/AzureADB2CAuth/auth-backend with 2 updates by @dependabot in #1435
- nuget-dressca: bump the nswag-packages group in /samples/Dressca/dressca-backend with 2 updates by @dependabot in #1476
- nuget-dressca: bump the dotnet-packages group in /samples/Dressca/dressca-backend with 2 updates by @dependabot in #1442
- nuget-dressca: bump the xunit-packages group in /samples/Dressca/dressca-backend with 2 updates by @dependabot in #1439
- nuget-console-app-with-di: bump the dotnet-packages group in /samples/ConsoleAppWithDI/solution with 2 updates by @dependabot in #1443
- nuget-console-app-with-di: bump the xunit-packages group in /samples/ConsoleAppWithDI/solution with 2 updates by @dependabot in #1437
- nuget-azure-ad-b2c-backend: bump Microsoft.Identity.Web, Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions, Microsoft.Extensions.Logging and Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.JwtBearer in /samples/AzureADB2CAuth/auth-backend by @dependabot in #1496
- nuget-dressca: bump Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk from 17.10.0 to 17.11.0 in /samples/Dressca/dressca-backend by @dependabot in #1621
- nuget-console-app-with-di: bump Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk from 17.10.0 to 17.11.0 in /samples/ConsoleAppWithDI/solution by @dependabot in #1622
- nuget-azure-ad-b2c-backend: bump Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk from 17.10.0 to 17.11.0 in /samples/AzureADB2CAuth/auth-backend by @dependabot in #1620
- nuget-console-app-with-di: bump the dotnet-packages group across 1 directory with 3 updates by @dependabot in #1606
- nuget-dressca: bump the dotnet-packages group across 1 directory with 3 updates by @dependabot in #1608
- nuget-console-app-with-di: bump Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk from 17.11.0 to 17.11.1 in /samples/ConsoleAppWithDI/solution by @dependabot in #1691
- nuget-azure-ad-b2c-backend: bump Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk from 17.11.0 to 17.11.1 in /samples/AzureADB2CAuth/auth-backend by @dependabot in #1693
- nuget-dressca: bump Moq from 4.20.70 to 4.20.72 in /samples/Dressca/dressca-backend by @dependabot in #1698
- nuget-console-app-with-di: bump Moq from 4.20.70 to 4.20.72 in /samples/ConsoleAppWithDI/solution by @dependabot in #1696
- nuget-dressca: bump Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk from 17.11.0 to 17.11.1 in /samples/Dressca/dressca-backend by @dependabot in #1694
- nuget-console-app-with-di: bump the dotnet-packages group across 1 directory with 2 updates by @dependabot in #1697
- nuget-dressca: bump the dotnet-packages group across 1 directory with 2 updates by @dependabot in #1699
- nuget-azure-ad-b2c-backend: bump the dotnet-packages group across 1 directory with 4 updates by @dependabot in #1634
- nuget-azure-ad-b2c-backend: bump Microsoft.Identity.Web from 3.0.1 to 3.1.0 in /samples/AzureADB2CAuth/auth-backend by @dependabot in #1626
- nuget-console-app-with-di: bump xunit from 2.9.0 to 2.9.1 in /samples/ConsoleAppWithDI/solution in the xunit-packages group by @dependabot in #1754
- nuget-dressca: bump xunit from 2.9.0 to 2.9.1 in /samples/Dressca/dressca-backend in the xunit-packages group by @dependabot in #1759
- nuget-azure-ad-b2c-backend: bump xunit from 2.9.0 to 2.9.1 in /samples/AzureADB2CAuth/auth-backend in the xunit-packages group by @dependabot in #1765
- nuget-console-app-with-di: bump xunit from 2.9.1 to 2.9.2 in /samples/ConsoleAppWithDI/solution in the xunit-packages group by @dependabot in #1802
- nuget-azure-ad-b2c-backend: bump xunit from 2.9.1 to 2.9.2 in /samples/AzureADB2CAuth/auth-backend in the xunit-packages group by @dependabot in #1805
- nuget-dressca: bump xunit from 2.9.1 to 2.9.2 in /samples/Dressca/dressca-backend in the xunit-packages group by @dependabot in #1803
🏷️ ⚪ npm package dependencies
- npm-azure-ad-b2c-frontend: bump @types/node from 20.14.8 to 20.14.11 in /samples/AzureADB2CAuth/auth-frontend by @dependabot in #1472
- npm-azure-ad-b2c-frontend: bump vue from 3.4.30 to 3.4.32 in /samples/AzureADB2CAuth/auth-frontend by @dependabot in #1477
- npm-azure-ad-b2c-frontend: bump @azure/msal-browser from 3.17.0 to 3.19.1 in /samples/AzureADB2CAuth/auth-frontend by @dependabot in #1470
- npm-azure-ad-b2c-frontend: bump vue from 3.4.30 to 3.4.33 in /samples/AzureADB2CAuth/auth-frontend by @dependabot in #1481
- npm-azure-ad-b2c-frontend: bump vite from 5.3.1 to 5.3.4 in /samples/AzureADB2CAuth/auth-frontend by @dependabot in #1471
- npm-azure-ad-b2c-frontend: bump vitest from 1.6.0 to 2.0.3 in /samples/AzureADB2CAuth/auth-frontend by @dependabot in #1465
- npm-azure-ad-b2c-frontend: bump prettier from 3.3.2 to 3.3.3 in /samples/AzureADB2CAuth/auth-frontend by @dependabot in #1459
- npm-azure-ad-b2c-frontend: bump @heroicons/vue from 2.1.4 to 2.1.5 in /samples/AzureADB2CAuth/auth-frontend by @dependabot in #1449
- npm-azure-ad-b2c-frontend: bump vue-tsc from 2.0.22 to 2.0.26 in /samples/AzureADB2CAuth/auth-frontend by @dependabot in #1421
- npm-azure-ad-b2c-frontend: bump npm-run-all2 from 6.2.0 to 6.2.2 in /samples/AzureADB2CAuth/auth-frontend by @dependabot in