A basic PCF input controll meant to act as a password field. It will initialy format inputed passwords as asterix, but view can be toggled to show plain text. Use eye icons to make the password clear text.
Install the required NPM packages, and build the control by executing the following commands from src/project.
npm install
npm run build
Test the solution by running npm run start
Go to src/solutions and run msbuild /t:build /restore
For subsaquent builds run msbuild /t:build /restore
When contributing to this repository, please first discuss the change you wish to make via issue here on GitHub. Make sure all pull requests are tagged with a specific ticket number found in the repositories issues section.Before making any changes please create your own branch. Follow all three points below before opening a PR:
- Any changes you want to create must be tagged to an issue opened on this repo. If an issue you've found does not yet exit, please open it.
- Ensure any install or build dependencies are removed before the end of the layer when doing a build.
- Make sure all corresponding test cases pass.
- Update the README.md with details of changes to the interface, this includes new environment variables, exposed ports, useful file locations and container parameters.
Note that we have a code of conduct. Follow it in all your interactions with the project.
A list of known issues and features that are currently being addressed are maintained on the github issues tab. Please look at the list of known issues before raising a new issue.
If you have benefited from this project and use Monero please consider donanting to the following address: 47RoH3K4j8STLSh8ZQ2vUXZdh7GTK6dBy7uEBopegzkp6kK4fBrznkKjE3doTamn3W7A5DHbWXNdjaz2nbZmSmAk8X19ezQ