released this
21 Jan 13:25
29.5.1 (2024-01-21)
Dependency updates
deps: update dependency de.flapdoodle.embed:de.flapdoodle.embed.mongo to v4.12.2 (4e9e793 )
deps: update dependency org.danilopianini:jirf to v0.4.18 (bcf2e22 )
deps: update external-resources/learning-scafi-alchemist digest to 8857c19 (0360463 )
deps: update plugin gitsemver to v3 (561875b )
deps: update plugin jpackage to v1.6.0 (d4f7d88 )
deps: update react to v18.2.0-pre.687 (f4d8951 )
deps: update react to v18.2.0-pre.688 (0e1212d )
deps: update react to v18.2.0-pre.689 (b8514ee )
deps: update site/themes/hugo-theme-relearn digest to 9c13f0b (50eb3ae )
deps: update site/themes/hugo-theme-relearn digest to df39abc (ac4e8b5 )
Bug Fixes
Build and continuous integration
deps: update actions/download-artifact action to v4.1.1 (1ad29c8 )
deps: update actions/upload-artifact action to v4.2.0 (de6689f )
deps: update actions/upload-artifact action to v4.2.0 (596168d )
deps: update danysk/build-check-deploy-gradle-action action to v2.2.14 (6f2aa0d )
You can’t perform that action at this time.